I am not quite sure I am ready to believe this is the end of term already! Year 1 you have simply been amazing and I have really enjoyed teaching all of you. We have had a busy week and 2 days getting ready for the end of the term.
In English, you had the splendid treat off Mr Dale and his dog Albus who introduced themselves to you. Mr Dale said he was looking forward to teaching you all next year and you even got to know some information about him. We decided it would be kind to write a letter to Mr Dale so that you could all introduce yourselves to him. You planned and wrote your letters to Mr Dale. You told him all about who your best friends are, what subject and topic you enjoyed in Y1 and what you want to get better at in Y2. Mr Dale has loved reading all of these letters and is now even more excited to be your teacher next year.
In maths, we practiced consolidating all of our skills that we had learnt this year. We practiced these skills in the outdoor environment and related them to real- life concepts! We even created a time page in our study work book as this has been one of your favourite pieces of learning this year. I am so proud of what amazing mathematicians you are.
In our afternoons we have spent a lot of our time designing and creating our study work pages. I am so proud of how hard you have worked on these books and how delighted you were when you got to take them home yesterday. I hope you enjoyed looking through them again with your parents and I hope they will be a good keepsake of your amazing learning that you achieved in Y1.
In music this week, we learnt the tempo of a song means the speed at which a piece of music should be played. We listened to 'The Lamb' by John Taverner. We learnt this contemporary piece of music was written in 1982. As a class we spoke about how relaxed this made us feel. A few of us thought this music sounded like music we would hear in a church. As this was our last lesson of this current year, we completed our individual assessment of this academic year. We are really keen to find out what year 2 music is going to bring!
We took some time out on Thursday to complete some mindfulness colouring. Some of us decided to turn our flower pictures into really colourful characters. We saw some wacky glasses as well as some lovely seaside pictures. We chose bright, eye-catching colours to make our pictures stand out.
What would you like to be when you are older? This was the first activity in this week's PSHE lesson. We came up with so many different jobs; becoming a vet and caring for animals became popular choices. Using photographs, we then explored which people are allowed to give you medicines and drugs. We decided that doctors, pharmacists, and dentists can give medicines with a prescription, and we had a good discussion about what a pharmacist does.
Last week, you also had sports day and you enjoyed competing against each other. You ran relay races, jumped over hurdles, used the running track for cross country and even used your recent throwing skills to do shot put. I was amazed by how you congratulated all of the winners and understood that taking part is all that matters. What a joyful day we had.
As our last week came to a close, you enjoyed a movie night whilst watching shark tale and munching on popcorn and a games afternoon yesterday. It has been a lovely week in the sun enjoying our time in the garden and in the classroom making memories and laughing alongside each other.
All that's left to say is a huge thank you to YOU Y1! Mr Dale is one very lucky teacher now that he is your teacher next year. You have made me smile and laugh every single day. Your creative minds and outlook on life is one thing I will cherish forever. You have all been so dedicated to your learning and I have watched you grow into such independent learners. I am so glad to have shared such wonderful memories with you all. Please remember the one thing that I've taught you all year round and that is to always believe in yourself. You are all superstars!
A huge thank you to parents for all of the special and personalised messages, gifts and cards for myself and Mrs VR. We are beyond grateful and are feeling very lucky right now.
Have an amazing summer in the sunshine and enjoy spending time with your families. I will see you all in September!
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street