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C of E Primary School

Happy half term year 2!

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Who would have thought that 8 weeks ago you were walking into your first day of Y2. What a busy half term it has been with worships, messy church and lots of learning. You have matured so much in these last 8 weeks and you have settled beautifully into the rhythms and routines of Y2. Well done team, it is. a blessing to have such a wonderful, hardworking class.

In English this week, you finished writing your letter to Tom. You have also wrote up your journey narrative neatly in your presentation books. Towards the end of the week we focused on handwriting especially letters that we are still forming incorrectly.

In phonics this week, you have continued to review your sounds. You have enjoyed reading your new level of book.

In maths this week, we have continued to build upon our knowledge of subtraction. You had some very difficult lessons this week as we were subtracting from some very big numbers but you did amazing and persevered. Well done team!

In PHSE we had a big focus on risks and hazards. In our first lesson you thought about what a risk is and we looked at different situations and we thought about whether they were safe or unsafe. In our second lesson we looked at lots of household items and we thought about if they are a risk or not. We found out that if they are a risk it will tell us on the label and we looked at the meaning of different symbols e.g. flammable, irritation. You then sorted the items into whether they should be in a locked or unlocked cupboard. In your third lesson, you built upon all this knowledge by becoming hazard detectives yourselves. You looked at different pictures from around the home to see what hazards there could be. Remember to watch out for these hazards in your own homes and school.

In Y2, we have been learning about Martin Luther king for black history month. We found out that he wanted equal rights for black people in America in the 1900s. We learnt that he peacefully protested and he gave powerful speeches. We listened to his ‘I have a dream’ speech and thought about how powerful this speech was for black people. The children then thought about different words that we could use to describe Martin Luther King. We used this to create some art.

In computing we started our new topic of digital photography, you learnt how to take different photographs e.g. selfie, something in the distance, close up, an action shot. The children learnt how to hold the iPad, how to ensure that the whole object is in the photo and how to take the photo. You did a great job and some of you even moved onto creative some slow mo videos. Well done team!

In RE you looked at the holy books in word religions. You watched a video about the Torah and the Qu’ran. You then finished off your questful map off answering questions about our topic of the bible. We definitely now have a better understanding of the bible.

In Science, you completed your materials assessment so that you could show me everything you have learnt in our lessons. You definitely showed off your skills.

We came to the end of our geography learning this week as we focused on our countries and capital cities that make up the United Kingdom. You started the lesson by playing a landmark game where you had to match the landmark to its name and capital city. You then had to decide whether the landmark was a human or physical place. I was so impressed with how much you had remembered from our geography learning. Towards the end of the lesson you labelled up a map of the United Kingdom with the four countries and their capital cities. You even drew the correct flags for each country using our geography song to help us. Well done geographers!

Year 1 and 2 joined together for a PE lesson this week. We were all very excited about this! We had a fantastic time playing games on the field. First, we were inside a giant DVD player and were being controlled by a remote control. We found this so funny! We had to move based on the buttons being pressed. We jogged, sat down, moved forwards, rewound ourselves, froze like statues and muted ourselves. We were very skilled at this job. Our next job saw us play Truck and Trailer. The rules were to stay as close to your partner as possible so to not lose your precious cargo in your trailer. We had numerous chances do be both parts. We found it difficult to keep up with the change in directions our partners went in and we had to increase our pace slightly. To end our fun session, we played Sharks and Minnows. The sharks were very hungry today and ate a lot of fish! There were only four minnows left at the end! Well done year 1 and 2. Your teamwork skills were shining!

We worked so well in our table groups this week in music. We worked as teams to answer our end of unit assessment questions. We love doing this job. We made sure all of our ideas were listened to and everyone felt their voices were heard.

We celebrated world vision this week by carving a pumpkin to look like Patch the pumpkin. We found out that Patch the pumpkin has a heart and it glows very brightly. The rest of the vegetables were not very nice to him because he was different. We found out that it’s okay to be different We learnt how we can care and love others this Halloween by following Patch’s rules. We even came up with our own.

What a lovely week we have had down in Y2. Have a restful half term team, be good for your families and have lots of fun.

Miss Haynes

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