Wow! What a week to end the spring term on!
We have been shining lights this week from delivering our Easter service at church, to preforming our musical talents to the younger classes and taking on our assessments.
We have shone in the way we have approached our end of term quizzes this week. We demonstrated perseverance and resilience to try our best and check our answers in all of our papers.
We have managed to squeeze in a little bit of Maths lessons between our assessments learning about how to problem solve using two step problems with fractions.
We have then worked hard to practice and deliver our KS2 Easter service at church. We hope you enjoyed hearing our message and sharing in our wonderful songs. Thank you to those who were able to come and watch.
In our RE lesson this week, we reflected on whether the actions of Peter were the same as Judas. We compared their betrayals and thought about how everyone involved would be feeling. We looked at more art work depicting the scene of Peter betraying Jesus and thought about what this showed. We then considered forgiveness. The children created a wonderful piece of art work to represent this which will form a display in our classroom.
In Music this week, we had the fantastic opportunity to perform a concert to some of our younger classes showcasing our learning from this term. We have videos this and will send this out after the Easter holidays.
In our HeartSmart lessons this week, we have reflected on our learning from this term and the strategies we have in place to support our emotions.
Working in twos or threes, year 4 completed two orienteering tasks for PE. They had to be very precise with their map reading and work effectively as a team to complete the geography related tasks. They also used atlases to help them solve the geography clues when they got stuck on place names.
Our Writing task now is about twisted narratives. We have really enjoyed sharing a wide selection of traditional tales in our reading time.
In French this week, we learnt a song about colours and watched a funny video to learn more food names in French. We looked at describing colours as bright, light and dark.
To end our week, Year 4 had the fantastic opportunity to take part in a STEM workshop focused on construction as part of DT. We were asked to create a Bascule Bridge. We starting by familiarising ourselves with the components in our bags. We were then asked to explore how components could be added together. Once we had explored this, we were given the opportunity to design and make a moving bridge. We enjoyed experimenting with our ideas to see what worked! In the end, we were shown how to make the longest moving bridge and constructed these in teams. We showed great teamwork and communication during this job!
I just want to wish you all a wonderful Easter holiday. I hope you enjoy some time together as a family and have a restful two weeks!
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street