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C of E Primary School

Happy Easter Y4 31.3.23

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We have been intrigued by the ongoing clues linked to our new story in English. Playing vocabulary games have helped us to become familiar with the new vocabulary and phrases from the text. One of our lessons this week gave us the opportunity to recap our skills to write speech sentences and we also predicted what the under sea divers may say to each other.

Our Reading time has been devoted to individual reading this week.

Within Maths, we have now moved on to division with a focus on dividing single digit numbers by 10. We have used practical resources to look at the value of each number and used place value grids to make sure we write the decimal point in the correct position. We have shown how whatever the number of digits, when we divide by 10, our number moves one place down a place value grid. We used our knowledge of how many tenths were in a one to know what our answer would be when divided by 10. For example, 1 one is the same as 10 tenths. 10 tenths divide by tenth is 1 tenth. Within our starters this week, we have been consolidating our knowledge of using short multiplication to divide a three digit number by a one digit number.

In our my happy mind lesson, we have used our character strengths to identify how two people may response to a situation. This work has encouraged us to stop, consider and understand each other.

Our Henry VIII artwork has really come to life this week as we have done the final stages to add colour. We practised our colour mixing skills to create a variety of shades and colours and we then reflected on the skills we have learnt over this last term.

In Geography, we had a short focus on a few edits, and we then completed part of our assessment activity on Rivers.

In our DT lessons this week, we have practised our sewing techniques. We have recapped how to use a running stitch and how to use cross stitch. We practised threading our needles, using binka to add our stitch and then casting off our sewing at the end.

In our RE lesson this week, we have continued to think about how Hindus describe God. This week, we learnt about the Trimurti. We started by looking at the attributes of these Godsthrough pictures. We then learnt about the creation story and considered how Hindus see God in many forms.

During computing this week, we have completed two E-Safety lessons. Our first was about creating passwords. We learnt some top tips for this – think of a familiar phrase, take the first letter from each word, add some capitals, add some numbers and symbols – you have a safe password. The second was about how we represent ourselves online and how other people see our digital footprint.

In our computing project lessons, we continued to develop our animation skills. Using what we have learnt in science, we created animations of food travelling through the digestive system. It takes a lot more frames than you would think to create a good length video! Next lesson, we will be adding our own voice overs.

We have also performed for a second time this week as part of the KS2 team to deliver our Easter Service. We had practises throughout the week and enjoying performing to our family in church today. You all performed amazingly well and produced a fantastic worship for us all to enjoy. Well done KS2!

We haven't set any homework this holiday. We hope that you are able to enjoying spending time with one another. We would however love you to keep playing TT rockstars and even have some competitions organised. Please take a look at seesaw for more information.

Have a wonderful Easter break.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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