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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Celebration Worship

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Year 6 lead Monday's worship which celebrates how our community have lived out our aims and values over the past week. Our aims are taken from Matthew 5: 14-16.

Throughout the week, we have been collecting House Points for your good deeds, great attitudes, values in action. This week's winners are the BLUE HOUSE! Well done!

Our Guardian Angels have shown they are leading lights in our community this week, demonstrating the Fruits of the Spirits and making a difference to others.
Let's find out who are our Guardian Angels this week: Charlie; Jacob; Harlen; Jacob; Erin; Annie and Molly. Well done to you all!

We celebrated everyone lighting their birthday candles this week – we wish you a your birthday!

Which class rocked this week? The minutes of play for TTRockstars are added up for each class over the week. The champion rockers, lighting the times table star this week are.... Year 3. Well done!

Being in school every day, for every session can be a challenge! We need to try and be in school every day. The class which shone last week with the best attendance was Year 3!

Our cerificates this week celebrated our reading stars! Bronze, Silver and a Gold award were given out. Well done to Millie; Darcey; Jacob; Jules; Mia and James.

Father God
We thank you for sharing your light with each and everyone of us,
For helping us to be a light and allowing us to shine brightly last week,
Give us strength and courage to continue this week and not to hide our light way
We ask this in your name.

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Bridge Street

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