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C of E Primary School

A Warm Welcome to Y6 3.9.21

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A warm welcome to Y6. I am thrilled to be a part of your new year and feel blessed to welcome you into my class. I bet you cannot believe this is your final year at Wybunbury Delves, and what a great year I know it will be. It is lovely to see you all and I hope you have had a fabulous summer.

We began our time together by playing games, creating posters and running through our classroom rhythms and routines. We also had a question-and-answer session to ensure any worried minds were eased.

We have been introduced to our theme – Journeys and Discoveries and our Y6 focus on WW2. Our new book, Letters from the Lighthouse, will take us on our first journey and we began by listening to the first chapter of this fantastic adventure.

We have begun our Big Art Project – Blitz Tunnel Books – and what a fabulous job you are all doing. These books are not easy to make and you have already shown your resilience in your first few tasks. We were introduced to the term Black Saturday and we have watched film footage of the first day of The Blitz. You have recorded important facts about this day and I am thrilled to see you all so engaged with our new topic. Our Big Art Project will focus on a scene from the Blitz and we have already used a technique called wet in wet to create our background. We have also looked at the work of Karl Johnson, a silhouette artist. We had great fun creating silhouettes of our classmates and displayed them in our gallery. Can you find your child from the picture? We will continue to produce our tunnel books next week.

We have received a new reading wallet and ensured we all have a reading book and also a shared read too. Some of us will read with an adult next week before receiving a Big Cat book. Please ensure your reading wallets come into school next week. Congratulations to Bryn for completing the Summer Reading Challenge.

Our first worship took on a new look as we hosted a Y6 live stream. Mrs Chesters led the worship whilst Y6 videoed and shared with the rest of our school family. Thinking outside the box has allowed us to enjoy worship and feel a part of this special time of our day.

Daily mile has taken place this week as we shared the track with Y5 and thoroughly enjoyed our time outside. We have also spent time outside enjoying all the new playground areas that have been put together over the summer holidays. Twister is a firm favourite in Y6 and we thank all parents who have been involved.

We have also discussed our Y6 roles and responsibilities and these will be allocated in the coming weeks.

I have not set any homework for next week, except to ask if you could listen to your children read. Asking questions of the content is extremely helpful and something I would always champion. TT Rock Stars is also useful, and therefore a daily visit to the site would be beneficial too.

PE – as detailed in my newsletter – will take place on a Monday and Wednesday each week. Please can children come dressed in their correct PE kits. Our first lesson is this Monday.

I would just like to end my first website post to you by saying how proud I am of you all and how well you have settled into Y6. You should be proud of yourselves. You have been a fabulous team and one that I am blessed to be a part of. Have a great weekend.

Your teacher,
Mrs B

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