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C of E Primary School

Year one weekly newsletter

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Well, it's been another fantastic week of home learning year one. You have been secret agents, story writers and animal enthusiasts. I have been so proud!
In phonics, you have all been working so hard with Rosie. I have seen some wonderful videos of you reading the green words and confidently saying your set three sounds. You have also been showing me your wonderful spelling. I have also had pictures, videos and audios of you reading all of your books at home. It is so lovely for us to continue sharing our love of reading together. The progress that you have all made from the start of year one in phonics is fantastic and it is lovely to see you progressing at home.
In English, you have had a wonderful week by being nature story writers. At the start of the week you were introduced to a competition where you had to write a nature story. You started by creating a word bank of different words and sentences that you may include in your story. You had to think of the different characters that you may find in your garden, you then thought about what these characters were doing and where they could be. This helped you to plan your story the next day. These plans were amazing and made me so excited to read your stories. On Wednesday and Thursday, you worked very hard to bring all of your imaginative ideas together so that you could write a nature story. On Friday, you finished your stories off with illustrations and a book cover. I am beyond proud; you have officially blown my socks off with these stories. It was lovely to sit down and read them with a cup of tea.
In maths this week, you learnt about measuring weight and capacity. You started the week off with comparing weight. First, you had to understand the language of heavier, heaviest, lighter and lightest so that you could compare different objects. You all went on a hunt around your house to find different objects. You then made a pile of lighter objects and heavier objects. This helped you to answer some questions on measuring weight. You were introduced to balancing scales and you had to understand how you could balance the scale by putting another object or blocks on the other side. It was lovely seeing some of you implement your measuring skills in real-life by making some yummy cakes. On Wednesday you were introduced to comparing capacity. You all worked really hard to show me what all of the language means around capacity by putting different measures of capacity in different pieces of measuring equipment. On Thursday, you had a very fun maths activity because you all had to take on some secret agent training given by agent Haynes. You all took on 5 measuring capacity challenges e.g. how many spoons does it take to fill a cup up and you all passed with flying colours. To reward you on passing your secret agent training you were all given a certificate. We now have a year one class full of secret agent so BEWARE....
I have also seen lots of other learning happening we have had rainbow challenges, animal masks being made and of course our keepy uppy challenges so well done you!
I miss you all everyday but thank you for making me smile every day with your wonderful and beautiful home learning that you are doing.
Have a lovely weekend team superstars,
Miss Haynes

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