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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News

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This week we have been busy with fractions again. Normally, you'd think that 3  4 couldn't be done but we've been learning how to use fractions to do this. Did you know that what you need to do is to cut the 3 wholes up into quarters and then share the quarters between 4. You get the answer ¾. This has helped us to change remainders into fractions.

In English, we have started at new topic – Time-Slip Stories. This a type of story that transports us into the past for some exciting adventure, and then sends us back to the present. This week we have been learning a story off-by-heart and then unpicking it to find the key features. We also celebrated World Book Day this week. Thank you for dressing up as your favourite character, and thank you for bringing in your favourite book. It was lovely listening to you all share which stories and authors you enjoy reading.

During our afternoons, we have been busy with many topics. In R.E this week, we discussed what we thought the Kingdom of God is like and how using our talents brings it down to us on Earth. In French, we have started a new unit all about time. Our first lesson involved learning the numbers from 0-31. Two of our afternoons this week have been filled with science. Firstly, we learnt about working scientifically and planned a science experiment to investigate how soluble different materials were. When planning, we had to consider the variables that we would change and the ones we would have to keep the same. After that, we made predictions about what we thought would happen.
Finally, on the following afternoon, we carried out the experiment. Each of us shared the roles of solvent measure, solute measurer, stirrer and observer. We have also done computing this week. In our computing lessons, we learnt about algorithms and how a flowchart can be used to display each step. You then used this knowledge to plan your non-linear hyperlinked PowerPoint which you will start creating next week!

Hope you have a great weekend,
Miss P

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