Welcome back everybody. I hope you had a great half term.
In Maths this week, we continued with the topic we started before half term – fractions. We recapped our learning of improper fractions (where the numerator is bigger than the denominator) and mixed number fractions (where whole numbers are created, and the numerator is always smaller than the denominator). As the week has progressed, we have learnt how to convert between the two and how to order and compare them.
In English, we have been channelling our creative sides. On Monday you became thespians when you brought to life the Parable of the Talents through roleplay; we combined our English with our R.E topic. Before you got started, you recapped what a talent was and then read the Parable of the Talents from the book of Matthew. In the next lesson, you then retold the story through pictures and words and came up with your own ideas as to what you thought the parable was about. By Thursday, it was time to start our new English topic, and you did your 'Have A Go' write. This time, the topic will have a narrative theme as we will be writing a story where the lead character time travels into the past! I had a lot of fun reading your stories – you are such an imaginative bunch.
This week's afternoon sessions have had a heavy Science focus. On Monday, you looked at reversible and irreversible changes. During the lesson, you carried out an experiment to see if combining vinegar and bicarbonate of soda would create an irreversible or reversible change – it was irreversible! On Tuesday, we carried out an investigation into the different ways to separate combined materials. The methods we looked at were sieving, evaporating, filtering and using magnets, and you concluded that all of these are reversible changes. As part of the investigation, you had to select the right equipment and predict what was going to happen.
Wednesday afternoon was filled with P.E and Music. In Music, you looked at this week's composer – Beethoven – and you also listened to an appraised your new song of this half term which is the 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air' theme tune. On Thursday you continued with your unit of work on William Morris – you created your own William Morris inspired wallpaper design. Finally, on Friday computing was our focus. We established what we already knew about PowerPoints and used our coding knowledge to create algorithms.
Have a great weekend and see you on Monday,
Miss P
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