Last week we celebrated our Greek Theme Day!
Our day started with the arrival of Greek citizens, gods, goddesses, mythical beasts and so much more! It was amazing to see everyone dressed up and taking on the role of a Greek!
When we arrived in school, the children had a Greek crossword to complete. This proved a challenge. When everyone had arrived, we started our day off properly. As part of our day, we held our own Greek Olympics. This would not be complete without our own opening ceremony. For this, we needed to make our own Olympic torches. Following this, we made our own olive wreaths to award the winners of our Olympic event. The children really enjoyed these crafting activities. Later on in our day, we became Greek potters. The children had already made their pots and during our Theme Day we painted them in traditional Greek patterns. These look really effective and a great piece of Year 5 art work. Following this, the children also played a game which involved creating Greek vases using the dice.
In our afternoon, the children took part in the Greek Olympics. We recapped the events in the Olympics and made up our own versions of these. For fighting and wrestling, we played a game of dodgeball. When the children were 'hit' with the ball, they were out. We then moved on to our running race. Using the track, the children raced each other. For chariot racing, the children were asked to work in pairs. One child was the horse leading the chariot and the other was the athlete holding on to the chariot (the hoop). We had so much fun and giggled a lot during our Greek Olympics.
We also ate a lot during our Theme Day. Thank you to everyone who brought in so many lovely treats. Whilst watching some of the film, Hercules, the children were given a plate of food to taste. I was so impressed with the amount of children who tried the lovely Greek treats we had been given.
I hope that you all enjoyed our Greek day as much as I did!
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