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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News!

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We continued our home learning journey this week after the Easter break. I have absolutely loved hearing what you have been up to at home and it was fantastic to see us get back into our home learning so well.

For our English jobs this week we wrote lots of letters. Firstly, you all started by writing letters to me so I could hear all about what you had been up to – they were lovely to read. Then, we each had a partner and wrote to them all about our Easter adventures! It was so nice to see you communicating with each other through your letters – remember keep talking! We also completed some SPaG throughout the week!

In Maths, we continued our unit of time. After creating your own Analogue clocks before Easter, you have used these to help tell the time on a 12 and 24-hour digital clock. We created diaries of our day by including what the 24-hour digital clock and analogue clock would look like at different part of our day like when we had our breakfast or ate our lunch. We also completed an activity which involved looking at what the time would be minutes before and after a given time – you were fantastic at this. All of the skills we have been learning this week are really important in life. These are things we can keep practising all the time!

We also took part in a TTRockstars battle and won against our other CDAT schools -- well done! Year 4 were the highest scoring class in the competition – this is amazing!!! Well done everyone!

Throughout the week, we also completed project work and showed of more of your creativity. I love seeing the other fantastic activities you get up to at home.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and hopefully we continue to have some lovely weather. I can't wait to hear from you all again on Monday!

Miss Welch

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