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C of E Primary School

Year 4 Weekly News!

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I cannot begin to express how proud I am of you all, Year 4. Each week you amaze me with your dedication and commitment to learning. This week, you dived straight back into our home-learning and showcased your amazing work and skills.

On Monday, you created the most beautiful artwork and messages to share with Reverend Helen as she moves on to her new adventure.

In our English lessons this week we have been writing the ending to a story. You were given the beginning chapter of a book called 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell and needed to create your own ending. With a focus on adjectives, similes and personification, we created their own plans and stories about what would happen next. I was completely wowed by the amazing ideas you had and the beautifully descriptive stories you created.

In our Maths lessons this week we have focused on statistics. We recalled the features of bar charts, learnt how to interpret the data within a bar chart and created our own graphs. You were fantastic at this! Later on in the week, we moved on to learn about line graphs. Again you showed you were able to interpret the data from these.

In our afternoons this week, the focus was on celebrations. Many of you created PowerPoints, artwork and research to explore and present different celebrations around the world.

I am missing you all each day but love to see what you get up to during your home-learning. I am so proud to be your teacher.
Miss Welch

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