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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News: 7.5.21

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...And breathe! What an extremely busy week we have had Y4! From Topic Day, to dressing up for Number Day, it's been a fantastic few days!
In Book Club, we spent the week quietly reading, leaving book reviews and reading aloud. It has been amazing to hear so many brilliant, confident readers this week! Remember to keep reading aloud at home and recording in your reading diary too!
In English this week, our focus was on singular and plural possessive apostrophes! We looked at the rules behind this, applying our knowledge to a series of sentences. We know that apostrophes can be used to show possession, and if there's more than one thing that ones another – it must become plural! I can't wait to see you use this in your writing next week! On Friday, we completed a cold write on our brand new topic! It was fantastic to read your ideas about what the first chapter of the "Iron Man" would sound like! T4W is going to be so fun next week!
In Spellings, our focus was on the word ending 'que'. We learnt about the different sounds it can make! From this, we completed activities in word changers, definitions and sentence building! Antique, unique, catalogue, dialogue and fatigue were all words discussed!
In Maths, we continued to build upon our fractions knowledge. This week, we made links to decimals and were able to represent tenths and hundredths as decimals! We used place value grids and part wholes to show this! We completed a series of starter questions throughout the week too, testing our column and multiplication skills to the max! On Friday, it was time to dress up for Number Day! You all had some amazing costumes! We played in the TTRS Competition and even took part in some fitness maths activities! We worked in teams to work out multiplication problems and incorporated push ups, star jumps and running into our P.E session, it was so fun!
In our Computing time, we enjoyed programming events within an interactive game. We reviewed our learning to describe what an event and an action is in the coding world and we successfully built a sequence of events and event handlers within our game. By the end of the lesson we had related this learning to the event and action sequence within a desktop computer.
In Geography we recapped our knowledge of settlements and the features of villages, towns and cities. We then used Google my maps to locate each settlement on a UK map. Locating each place with a marker enabled us to select an image to best represent whether the chosen place was a village, town or a city. We now have a class set of maps that we can build upon.

In PHSE, we continued with our ''Fake is a Mistake'' unit! We thought about why people do lie, and from this thought about all the amazing things that make us unique. By the end of the lesson, we all had colourful brains full of our personalities! The message was clear, we are all brilliant, and so don't need to lie – Fake is a Mistake!

What an improvement on last week! Our music lesson flew by! To begin our lesson, we recapped middle C. Mr Norbury reminded us of the importance of our mouth position on the mouthpiece and not to puff our cheeks out – creating the correct sound. We played a rhythm with note C followed by notes D and E. using those notes, we played a rhythm of – C, D, E, D, C. Next, we focused on our volume and played 'We Are The Best' with notes C, D, E and F. Lastly, we thought about our timing as we played long and short notes to 'We Will Rock You.' Our rhythm was long F, long E, long D, long C, short D, short D with a extra short D, short D added on. At the end, we realised that those who played last were more in time to the beat because they had had time to listen to how the beat goes.
On Thursday, it was time for our Theme Day! We all went back 500 years in time, dressing up all things Tudor! We had Shakespeares, kings, queens and the odd Henry VIII or two! We started with a Tudor wordsearch, quickly moving on to design our own Tudor top trumps! They were great! We finished the morning with some Tudor ''Guess Who!''. After break, we took part in our Tudor dance! It was fantastic to see all the amazing work Y4 has done with Miss Holland! After lunch, and a cake or two, we created our very own Spring Term quiz! We built a huge question bank and answered a range of questions from Tudors, to teeth, to art, to Geography! There were some brilliant answers! We finished by playing Tudor corners and some fun Tudor style games! What an amazing day!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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