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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News!

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In our English lessons this week, we have been learning about the different word classes we used within our writing; nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions. We learnt about how these different words are used and what the different word classes are. After learning what the different word classes were, we were able to identify examples of each of these. We then searched through a text to identify the word classes. It was interesting to see how many times these types of words are used within our writing. We then used our SPaG CGP books to extend our knowledge and practised our handwriting.

In our Maths lessons this week, we finished our unit of work on multiplication and division and moved on to learn about perimeter. In our lessons at the beginning of the week, we learnt methods which will help us to understand how to times numbers by 7, 11 and 12. When we multiply by 7 we could multiply by 5 and then by 2 and add the answers together. When multiplying by 11 both the tens and ones is the same until we get to 11 x 10. We then moved on to measuring perimeter, firstly we learnt how to measure distance in kilometres and convert back and forth to metres. When measuring perimeter, we learnt how we needed to measure the length of the sides and add this together. When measuring the length of a square we used the same length for each side as a square's sides are all the same length.

In History, we have learnt about the development of the railways. We looked at drawings of the first passenger railway and explored what the trainlines were like in the past. We also learnt how the steam engine developed over time. In our computing lessons, we researched the four most famous steam trains; the Flying Scotsman, the Rocket, the Evening Star and the Mallard.

In our DT lessons this week, we practised our designs for our invisibility cloaks. Using our running and cross-stitch we were able to create shapes and patterns on our material. In our RE lessons we continued to identify Good News within the three different stories; the Christmas story, Elizabeth and Zachariah and Anna and Simeon. We watched videos and read stories to understand what good news ideas were in each of these stories.

We have had a fabulous week and I cannot believe we only have more week left before Christmas! I hope you all have an exciting week!

Miss Welch

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