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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News!

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In our English lessons this week, Year 4 have been writing their 'Muggles Guides to Quidditch'. Using the information they had gathered and our knowledge of non-chronological reports, the children wrote their very own information text explaining how to play Quidditch. After we had written our reports, we moved on to our next piece of text. We will be writing a recount of a game of Quidditch. To explore the children's ideas, they were able to write a recount of something of their choice. The children were able to write recounts of sport events, their favourite day or a Christmas memory. It was fantastic to see the exciting ideas that the children had. In our Spag lessons this week, we learnt the rules for using the prefixes in, im, il and ir. We use the prefix ir when the root word starts with r, we use the prefix il when the root word starts with r, the prefix im when the root word starts with m and p and then the prefix in when the root word starts with any other letter. On Friday, we used our knowledge of prefixes to complete a spelling test.

In our Maths lessons, we have been extending our knowledge of time- tables. This week we have learnt how to times and divide by 6 and 9. To help us with our 6 times-tables we used numberlines to represent multiplying and dividing by 6 as adding and taking away. We also used our knowledge of 3 times-tables to help. We just need to times by 3 and then double the answer. We used these same methods to help us learn our 9 times-tables. When multiplying by 9 we can multiply by 10 first and then take away the number we multiplied by 10.
Our sewing is continuing to improve every week. We have learnt how to perform a cross-stitch this week and used the binka to ensure each stitch is the same size and uniform. We then used all of our sewing skills to design and sew our own patterns on to squares of material. This was a new challenge as we had no holes to follow.

In our Science lessons this week, we have continued to learn about Electricity. We have learnt about complete and incomplete circuits. Using batteries, wires and bulbs, we had to test out circuits which had been drawn for us. The children loved creating these circuits and now know that for a circuit to be complete there needs to be a continual electrical current. Once the children had tested the circuits, they were then able to make circuits of their own.

During our French lessons this week, we learnt how to name different parts of the body in French. Using games, the children learnt the names of the body and tested each other on what they had learnt. This week we had our first Christmas service rehearsal. Year 4 were great with their wonderful singing and remembered their lines brilliantly.

On Friday, we had our Reindeer Run, raising money for St Lukes. The children loved putting on their reindeer antlers and noses and running whilst raising money for a fantastic charity.

Sorry this is a late update. It was on the website but hadn't been shared on our social media.

I hope you all have a lovely week!
Miss Welch

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