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C of E Primary School

Year 3 weekly news 18.6.21

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Another busy week has flown by in Y3. We have been musicians, rock detectives, fossil hunters and website creators to name just a few.

In English this week, we started our new talk 4 writing unit which is focused around diary writing! We read our new model text which is all about a day in the life of a Roman soldier. We then looked at other diary writing, one from an astronaut, a pirate and little red riding hood and we're diary detectives hunting for features that each diary piece had in common. We then made a toolkit of what we need to write our own diary and then had a go at a diary write of the three little pigs or Goldilocks. You then went back through your writing to hunt for all the features you had included and you had included lots! I am looking forward to carrying on with diary writing next week.

In maths, we started the week with fractions and then moved onto word problems, recapping lots of different strategies from across the term. We discussed lots of different ways of finding the answers, reminding ourselves that it is good to know a few strategies and proving our answers with bar models, part whole models and fraction walls.

In science this week (and a little bit of history), we built upon our rocks unit moving on to learn about fossils. We learnt what a fossil is and then learnt all about a famous woman from history called Mary Anning who was a fossil hunter from 200 years ago. Clementine said "I have read all about her in my book called Woman who Changed History". This was great to hear Clementine! We learnt that she had a passion for finding fossils and despite some difficulties in her life as a child, she went on to change how people thought about fossils when her findings were on show in the British Museum! We then learnt about how plants and animals can become fossils and how there are lots of things that can stop them becoming fossilised. We then played a game to help us to realise just how special fossils are and how precious a fossil is and the process it has been through.

In computing we finished our own websites. I am so proud of how far you have come in this unit of work. You are now able to log on independently, using Google to search for the site, then put in the class email and password. On your websites, you have added text, photos from the camera and on Google images, inserted new pages, saved your work, edited your work and finally, published your work! This week's job was around esafety as lots of you had chosen some pictures of children around the classroom. We discussed if this was a safe choice if the websites were to be published, how we need permission to post photos and who can see a website. Taking on board all of the esafety information, you decided to replace any photos of children with photos of the classroom/Roman photos from Google. This was your final edit and then the publish button was hit! I can't wait to share these via your study work books in a few weeks.

In art, we finished off our Boudicca portraits using our skills we learnt in autumn of facial features. We also knew it was very important to show Boudicca's wild red hair as this was an important feature of hers. We used pastels and charcoal to make her features stand out. I hope you are as impressed as I was! We then completed our double study work page. First we placed our neatly trimmed Roman Emperor mosaic onto one page. Next, we drew a 1 cm border around the edge of the other page. This was quite tricky, but we got there in the end showing resilience by not giving up. We then listed all the words that fitted with our art lessons and wrote these inside the border. We used the words: proud, pattern, mosaic, rich, resilience – to name a few! Our 'Roman Mosaics' title needed to be written neatly and be legible. What we enjoyed the most was written next, followed by information on the discovery of mosaics, and how and where they were used in Roman times.

In music today we carried on with our study of funk and soul music. We have come such a long way in our learning. This photo shows us playing in two parts in the classroom. Next week we are going to start a year 3 band using our new song 'bringing us together'.

In French this week, we have moved on to a new unit all about the body! To celebrate our new unit and after learning the French for head, eyes, knees and mouth we added this to heads shoulders, knees and toes and we will keep adding more body parts to our song. We have also answered 'good afternoon' in French this week. Très bien Year 3!

In RE today we recapped the events that took place at the tomb of Jesus. We sequenced the story and wrote an assessment piece in our RE books. We answered the questions, who did Mary think she was talking to? Who was it really? And what did she do next?

In worship this week, we listened to the story of feeing the 5000. At the end of worship, Xavier and Will chose to read out a special prayer as part of the worship which was lovely to listen to. We enjoyed a celebration worship on Friday where the class chose their 'helper of the week'. This week, Max was chosen. Well done to Max, you are always super helpful and kind to others!

Have a lovely weekend my Year 3 team.
Miss McCurrie

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