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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news

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Another week in Year 3 and we have learnt so much. In maths we have started our unit on fractions. We looked at whole and parts and then moved on to finding halves and quarters of shapes and then of amounts. I am so impressed with how well you are working. You are sharing ideas and strategies with your partners and all of you are offering answers with your hands up. Year 3, well done you fantastic mathematicians!

In English we have read more of our adventure story Kensuke's Kingdom and linking with this, we have had a look at what you might find on a desert island. We looked at how to describe a noun to make our writing more interesting and we 'had a go' at writing our own desert island adventure story. We have recapped capital letters and full stops and tried our best to work on letter formation. We are really keen to start joined up writing which is why forming our letters correctly is so important.

We have been adding er and est in our spelling lessons and learning the rules that go with adding these suffixes. I have been impressed to see these in your writing too.

In the afternoons, we have had music, art, RE, PE, PSHE and forest schools! In music you continued to learn how to play the ukulele and had lots of fun! On Tuesday we realised we were lucky enough to have lots of apples ready to pick in the orchard in the school grounds so we went out to pick them ready for our cooking for design and technology this week where we will be designing and making a snack for Michael from our story.

On Wednesday we were so excited for our second forest school session. We gathered in the tipi and learnt all about what we needed to make a fire. You then went round the campfire in the forest school area and all made your own mini fires. You were brilliant! You listened so carefully and Mr Hadfield commented on your great listening and behaviour. Another proud teacher moment for me! We then had toasted marshmallows around the big campfire. What a lovely Wednesday afternoon we had together.

Back in the classroom, you have again been impressing me with your reading. So many of you are reading lots at home and wanting to share your reading with me in school too. I am very proud of how hard you are working, keep it up!

In our computers by sessions on Friday, you continued to develop your coding skills and we also had some time on TT rock stars. Don't forget to play on it this week for your homework too.

Have a lovely weekend and a big rest, you deserve it!

Miss McCurrie

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