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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news 25.6.21

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Another week has flown by in Y3 and I can't believe we are nearing the end of our time in Y3.

In maths we learnt a new strategy to subtract called column subtraction. This is something we missed in lockdown and after a few lessons we did really well using this new strategy. We also then applied this to word problems. We also completed our end of term assessments, one in arithmetic and one in reasoning. I was so proud of you all how you applied your knowledge from the year to these questions and showed great resilience in your approach.

In your English lessons, we have continued with our diary writing unit. We this time looked at the model text in more detail and boxed up each paragraph by summarising what else one was telling us. This then helped us as we started to write our own 'day in the life of a Roman soldier'. We have so far written the two first paragraphs, introducing our diary writer. I can't wait to continue with these next week.

In our history lessons this week, we thought about what we have learnt so far about the Romans and tried to apply our knowledge to answer the question 'What did the Romans do for us?' We thought about homes, food, roads, numbers, toilets, hygiene and the Roman baths. You then chose four of these areas to record in more detail. You then presented your new information onto a study work page, which already look great!

In PE with sportscape this week you played fencing which you enjoyed lots! You showed great listening and team work which made me very proud. Well done my year 3 team.

In RE this week we thought about the question 'What do we think God is like?' We did a 'quick draw' and used out drawing and sketching skills we described what we thought God might look like. We described God as father, son, holy spirit, Jesus, teacher and friend.

In music this week, we used sheet music to perform as a class and. We warmed our voices up and recapped what we have learnt over the past three weeks. At first we found it difficult to sing and play at the same time but we did our best to perform the song. In our class band, we played guitar, ukulele, recorders and glockenspiels, as well as using our lovely singing voices. Thank you to those of you who chose to play your own instrument from home too!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend. See you tomorrow morning.
Miss McCurrie

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