Welcome back Year 2. I hope that you had a lovely Easter and that the Easter bunny visited you.
This week we have been busy bees, and we have been working very hard.
In English, we have finished writing our suspense stories based around the wonderful book 'Cave Baby' by Julia Donaldson. We have worked hard to improve our accuracy, and we have seen our usage of capital letter and full stops get better. Well done. We have also been working hard to including the word 'or' in our sentences and to use commas in lists. You have done a brilliant job Year 2, and I hope you are proud of your achievements.
We had a break from writing on Thursday because a special treat had been planned to celebrate World Earth Day. We got to watch a live recording of 'The Lorax' from the Old Vic theatre. We enjoy it immensely and had lots of giggles whilst also learning about the importance of looking after our trees and looking after the planet.
In Maths this week, length and height have been our focus. We have learnt about centimetres and metres. We compared their sizes and spent time thinking about when we should be using centimetres and when we should be using metres. We put our ideas into practice when we went out onto the playground to measure different items using a metre stick. Maths also popped up in our afternoon lessons too. In this lesson we learnt about 2D shapes and were introduced to some we hadn't heard of before. We then used geoboards to recreate them.
Computing has been a big focus of our afternoon lessons this week. On Monday, we did an E-Safety lesson. The lesson taught us all about digital footprints and how we leave information behind when using the internet. This made us think very carefully about the type of information we should be keeping safe, and we also reiterated the importance of checking in with an adult before sharing information online. Our next computing lesson focused on GoogleSlides. We learnt how to pick themes, add text and insert new slides. This took patience and practice. You did a great job as this was very new to all of us. Our final computing lesson of the week focused on coding. We learnt how to log onto CodeStudio, and we also began learning about how to use algorithms to program a character.
In our weekly R.E lesson, we finished our Easter unit of resurrection. Before the Easter holidays, we had created cards using important Easter symbols. This week we wrote a message in them to Jesus. We thanked him for his sacrifice and told him brave we thought he was.
In Music, you continued learning how to play the ukulele with Miss Holland, and Mrs Jenkins taught you P.E. See Mrs Jenkin's weekly PE post for more details.
Hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Pennance
01270 841302
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Bridge Street