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C of E Primary School

Year 2 News 07.05.21

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This week in Year 2 we have been busy as usual. We have been learning about Stone Age tools, how to make good choices and much more.

In English this week, we have been continuing with our Talk4Writing unit linked to 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth'. This week saw us having a go at writing some instructions for how to wash a crocodile. We came up with some fun ideas, and it was wonderful to see you all using the key features of instruction writing too. Well done for using numbered bullet points, time openers and bossy verbs. As part of our learning in English, we have also been introduced to the possessive apostrophe. We have practiced using these and will continue to build our confidence with them next week.

In Maths, we have been introduced to the world of fractions. This has involved learning about equal and unequal parts. This was important because we have learnt that fractions are just like division and that you must make sure you have equal parts. We also learnt how to write fractions, and we can identify the denominator and numerator. Finding and recognising halves were the focus for this week. We will be moving onto quarters next week.

In our afternoons, we began the week with R.E. Last week we learnt about symbols and how they can convey meaning. This week, we learnt about the story of Pentecost and were able to identify that wind and fire were important symbols in the story. As a class, we discussed what wind and fire stand for. We then went further and discussed how wind and fire can also be used to represent God. As a class you came up with some great ideas! You identified that wind is powerful, invisible but always there. Just like God. For fire, you identified that it keeps us warm, we need it to survive and that it provides light in the dark. Which is what Christians believe about God too.

For the second part of our Tuesday (and Wednesday) afternoon, we continued with our HeartSmart lessons. We learnt about the importance of dealing with problems. We learnt that problems are a bit like a traffic light system. Some are 'Green Problems'. These are problems that we can solve ourselves like when we get to the end of a page. You don't need to ask to turn over, you know you can do it yourself. Some problems are 'Amber Problems'. These are problems we need to wait and think through first. This might include a friend fall out. For example, you and your friend might disagree on what game to play. If you do, wait and think through what you could to solve it. We came up with ideas like joining the two game ideas together or take turns so everyone gets to play a little bit of their game. Finally, we learnt about 'Red Problems'. These are problems that we need to stop and get help for. Some amber problems may turn into red problems, and we discussed what these might be too.

As well as doing HeartSmart on Wednesday, we also did History. In this week's history lesson we learnt about Stone Age tools. You learnt that Stone Age people were very intelligent and were able to create tools to successfully hunt and gather food. These tools were made using wood, flint and twine. We had a go at drawing tools, and next week we plan to create our own tools using clay.

On Thursday afternoon, you had P.E with Mrs Jenkins and Music with Miss Holland. This week in music, you listened to a piece of music by the composer Antonio Vivaldi. Your focus was the 'Spring' section taken from The Four Seasons. First of all, you had to decide if you liked this type of music. Then, you created a mind map of how the music makes you think of spring. Finally, you played Row, Row, Row Your Boat on your ukuleles. For P.E news, please check out Mrs Jenkin's P.E post.

On Friday, we completed our well-being task. We focused on a breathing activity and then discussed what being grateful meant. We wrote down 3 things we were grateful for and listened to peaceful music as we decorated our work. Finally, we finished the week with Computing. Because it was Number Day, we spent our computing time learning how to log onto TT Rockstars and learning how to play the game. For the lesson, I set us a class challenging of getting 1,000 points. By the end of the lesson, you had reached the goal and gone further! Wow! Brilliant work team. So many of you were so excited, that you wanted to go home and keep playing. Also, I would like to say thank you for all dressing up and donating to Number Day this year.

I hope you're having a lovely weekend,

Miss Pennance

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