We have had a fun and busy week this week as it was our Year 2 Theme Day. If you would like to find out all about the fun activities we did, check out Wednesday's post.
In English this week, Year 2 have been amazing authors and have finished writing their own stories completely independently. They have been wonderful to read as they have shown that you have learnt so much. You have used noun phrases, commas in lists and apostrophes for possession. Great work.
In Maths, we finished our unit on time and consolidated all our hard work by creating a time study work page for our study work books. For the page, we learnt about the daily life of a dairy farmer and wrote down the times that each activity was done. We will finish this off next week. We then moved onto looking position and direction. We learnt about the difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise and combined it with our knowledge on fractions to describe turns.
In our afternoons, we moved onto a new science topic called 'Animals including Humans'. To start the topic off, we wrote down everything we could remember about animals that we learnt in Year 1. Once we put our brains in gear, we remembered that all living things must do the 7 living processes, and we were able to name the different types of animals: reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish.
In RE, we finished off our beautiful pictures on promises. We each made a promise last week, and this week we talked about the things that make keeping our promises difficult and how God can help us.
In music, we finished off our music study work page and continued learning the 'Friendship Song'. We learnt how to sing in parts which was lovely to listen too. In P.E this week, we practiced our throwing and catching skills. We learnt how to do an underarm throw and developed our accuracy.
On Friday, our PHSE lesson focused around how to stay safe and evaluating risk. We talked about where we feel safe. After that, we looked at some different pictures where children were crossing the road, playing at the park or getting into the summer pool for example. We then talked about the different risks that were in each situation and found ways to reduce the risk so we would be safe. You were very good at this.
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend,
Miss P
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