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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Year 2

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This week in Year 2 we have started to learn all about the main character Bob from our new class story Man on the Moon. We have verbally learned the information text in the talk for writing style using a story map to help us remember the parts of the text.
We then hot seated Bob and interviewed him to find out lots about him! We have written about Bob all week and next week we will be using our sentence openers and key words to write fact files about real life astronauts.

In maths, we have continued with the unit on money. We have now moved on to adding pounds and pence, using notes and coins. I have been really impressed with how you have applied your adding skills to money, using notes and coins.

In the afternoons, we have started to learn about this term's artist Vincent Van Gogh. We looked at some of his paintings, in particular Starry Night. We looked at what techniques and skills Van Gogh used in his paintings and used these in our own. We used oil pastels and blended using our fingers to create light around the moon and stars. We then focused on the 'swirls' and came up with lots of ideas of what the swirls could be. What do you think of our work so far? We will continue these next week.

We continued our big art by creating the planets for display and a huge rocket in the middle of the classroom!

In computing you started your PowerPoints on planets. You added a slide, added text and a background. I am looking forward to seeing the PowerPoints grow each week as your skills grow too!

Thank you for your cake donations this week for Australia Day. We sold lots and will have a total raised next week.

I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Miss McCurrie

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