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C of E Primary School

Year 1 zoo theme day!

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Wow what a roaring animaltastic day we had!
To start off can I just say how amazing all of your costumes were. I loved how much thought and effort had been put into each one. Thank you also for all of your amazing, tasty treats. We had so much even us and the whole school couldn't eat them!
We started off our day with phonics because as we all know all zoo keepers need to learn how to read so they know what food to give to all of the animals. Once we came back from phonics we started to bake our biscuits ready for our tea party. We washed our hands, put our aprons on and talked about what ingredients we think we need to make biscuits. We measured our ingredients out using our scales and we all had a go at mixing the ingredients using our '10 second pass it on rule'. Once we made our biscuit dough we rolled it out and shaped our biscuits. Your teamwork and patience was superb, helping those that were struggling. Mrs VR then took our biscuits for them to be cooked in the oven. A huge thank you to Diane in the kitchen for allowing us to cook our biscuits! What a lovely start to our morning.
After break we tidied up the classroom and then came to the carpet for some learning about Chester zoo. We found out that George Mottershead was the person who first made Chester zoo. We were shocked to find out Chester zoo started in Shavington in George's family business where he had lizards and birds. When he moved to Upton to start Chester zoo the first animals were a chimpanzee, several birds and a goat. We then looked at how the zoo has now got 21,000 animals when they only started with 3. We thought about why people were not accepting of Chester zoo because George wanted a zoo without bars. You all decided that people were scared in case animals escaped and people got hurt but you understood that George wanted this to help make happier homes for the animals. We looked at different pictures of Chester zoo in the past and we discussed what had changed and what is similar. We then watched a video of Chester zoo now this got us very excited for our trip to Chester zoo in March we tried to spot all of the animals that we were dressed up as.
We played lots of different animal games and shared some of our favourite animal stories throughout the day which was very exciting when we were dressed up in our costumes. We played 'What's the time Mr Lion?', 'animal statues' and 'pin the tail on the donkey.' We had lots of fun and giggled our way throughout the games.
After lunch and lots more games, we sat down to eat our yummy treats that you all kindly brought in. We sat together sharing facts about the animals we were dressed up as and singing all of our Betty Bear zoo songs. When our bellies were full we sat down to watch some of the film of Madagascar. I couldn't believe where our time had gone to and that our 2nd theme day was almost over!
What an amazing second theme day we have had together year one. I hope you have all had a brilliant and memorable day. If you would like to see all of our photos from the day please visit our youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mqlx8grnoc
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Haynes

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