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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news

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I'm not sure how we are already on week 5 of year 1! Time definitely flies by when we are having fun and what fun we have!

In English this week, we have finished writing our own 'three little pigs' stories. These are all so beautifully written and you have all understood the structure of writing a narrative. Our main targets have been writing our red words correctly and writing in full sentences. You have all definitely worked hard to achieve these targets and I am so proud of you. I have also been looking very closely at your handwriting and we have introduced our handwriting champion award. This will go to someone who has worked really hard to keep their handwriting neat in all of their books. Our three winners this week have worn their tiara or crown very proudly.

In reading this week, you have made me very proud in your phonics sessions where you have continued to learn your new sounds. I am so pleased with how well you are retaining these sounds and using your skills to read a lot more things in our learning environment. Well done everyone for reading so much at home too, I enjoy reading all of your parent's comments and how proud they are of you too.

We have finished our place value to 10 topic this week and you have been incredible! Some days were tougher than others but you have shown such resilience with your new learning. We started the week with ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and vice versa. We did this practically in our learning environment using different amounts of objects and maths resources. You then tackled your power maths questions using the resources to help you with your questions. We then went onto looking at ordinal numbers which we found were numbers that tell us a position. We started the lesson with racing snails and finding out what position they came in the race. You had to tell me if they were 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and more importantly how you know they were in this position of the race. We then went onto role-playing a bus driver scenario where all of the seats had a label with 1st to 10th on. The bus driver had to tell you which ordinal number to sit on and you then had to go and find this seat. We had so much fun pretending that we were on the naughty bus. We finished the final part of this topic by looking at number lines and how to use them properly. We then used them to fill in missing numbers on a number track.

In our afternoon learning, we have been busy busy busy!

On Monday we practiced and filmed our harvest assembly. We can't wait to show you this Monday!

In science, you were introduced to the property of 'waterproof'. We learned that if a material is waterproof it doesn't let water in. We started the lesson by having a letter off the naughty bus' driver who wanted to know what material was the best to make his bus' roof out of. The children then got to work testing different materials by using a pipette to squirt water onto the material. We got very excited seeing the materials that let water in and those that didn't. We found out that the materials that were waterproof were plastic and glass. We then came up with the conclusion that glass was the best material to make the bus' roof out of because it is strong, clear and waterproof.

In art, we learned more about canal art and we looked at different narrowboats around the country. We focused on the roses that are on the canal boats and the colours that they were painted in. We thought about why they may have used roses and some of you came up with the idea that roses are given to people you love so painting roses may show the love that these people have for their narrowboat. You drew your own rose by using a step to step guide and you finished it off with water colouring it. These roses were stunning and showed what great artists you are!

We found out on Thursday that the naughty bus was visiting Wybunbury so in Geography we learned about the village of Wybunbury. We understood that Wybunbury is a village in the north of England. We focused on the meaning of physical and human features of Geography. You found out that physical features are things that have always been here with the earth e.g. soil, fields, trees, lakes, mountains. This then helped us to know that human features are things that have been made by humans e.g. buildings, roads, pavements. We then worked hard to spot all of the human and physical features of Wybunbury. We will then compare this to London's physical and human features later on in the term.

In RE, we looked at how God was known as the creator. We discussed why he was the creator and watched a video that described the creation story in detail. We then thought about how Christians describe God. You all thought of your own word and we then put these on our RE display. You had words such as 'mighty, strong, helpful, loving and kind'.

On Friday you were very lucky as you had Mrs Swan whilst I was on a science course. You were so excited to see Mrs Swan again. You learned about music and the rap song of 'hey you'. You also did mindfulness where you went on a walk outside to see what you could see, smell, hear, taste and touch. You then brought something back inside the classroom to draw whilst
listening to mindfulness music.

What a fantastic week we have had.

I am wishing you all happy harvest!

Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday morning,

Miss Haynes

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