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C of E Primary School

Year 1 weekly news

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Well year one what another fabulous week of home learning I have seen on seesaw. I am so proud of all of your dedicated and hard work that you are doing.

This week in Phonics you have been continuing your journey with Rosie and you have been learning lots of new sounds and spellings. Thank you for sharing your amazing reading with me too, I am so proud of the fluent readers you are becoming. We have also enjoyed a poem each day too.

In English this week, you started the week learning about the plural -s and -es. I was amazed at your brilliant work and how you did this activity with such ease. I am now excited to see you apply your plurals in your everyday writing. On Tuesday you were set the task to write information leaflets for our new starters so you could teach them everything about our amazing school. You started by creating a beautiful front cover that represented Wybunbury Delves. You then wrote about your favourite things about Wybunbury Delves and year one. You explained what the teachers are like whilst using 'and' or 'because' to extend your answer. You also listed the food that you could have and the outdoor areas we have at school. I was so impressed with your leaflets and the detail and effort you put into them. You made some beautiful and thoughtful comments about year one and our school. I also know that Mrs Chesters was also super impressed with them too. If this wasn't enough you also took it further by writing a set of instructions of either how to get ready for break/lunch/worship time. These were absolutely wonderful to read and you have simply amazed me with your writing.

In maths, you have been working really hard with another week of multiplication. We took it further this week by looking at arrays and experimenting with them. You practically used arrays and then drew pictures to represent them. Many of you found it easier to work out multiplication sums when using arrays. You also looked at doubling and how this is the exact same as multiplying by 2. The introduction to multiplication in year one can be rather difficult but you have proven to me once again that you are all just superstars.

In your afternoon activities, you have been busy understanding the environment. I had some of you looking at different countries, creating weather charts and becoming a weather reporter. This is alongside all of the crafts, baking and gardening you do which amazes me everyday. It definitely looks like you are all having lots of fun. We were also lucky to have reverend Helen join us on seesaw this week for a beautiful worship. Year 1 we are just so lucky that we can all stay connected.

Thank you for making my lockdown days easier with all of your wonderful work. Even if you do give me happy tears sometimes! I am missing you all ridiculous amounts and can't wait for the day it is safe to see your happy, smiley grins.

For now I wish you a lovely and restful weekend with your families.

See you on Monday (virtually),

Miss Haynes

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