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C of E Primary School

Y6 Weekly News

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A super week of home learning Y6 and I am so proud of you all.

We have learnt all about shape reflection and translation this week using our knowledge of four quadrant grids. You have smashed it Y6. You finished your week off with an arithmetic paper keeping your arithmetic skills ticking over. Well done Y6. You are superstars.

In English this week you planned, drafted, wrote and edited amazing nature stories. You carefully chose your character names and settings and came up with some brilliant adventures to take them on. You used alliteration, similes, personification, speech and much more in your stories and I know many of you are entering them into the competition. I am glad you have chosen to do this as I think they should be entered too. Super job Y6.

You have also completed some speech activities online and in your CGP books and a reading comprehension task on JK Rowling. I know you enjoyed the book quiz too.

Lots of you took part in this week's Science experiment on which biscuit was best for dunking! I think the overall winner was the Jaffa Cake and I know this caused a debate. Is this a cake or a biscuit? We love a debate in Y6!

The Keepy Up Challenge was great fun this week. This took the form in many different ways from the traditional football to the tennis racket and even the ping pong ball.

Animals has been the feature of your afternoon activities. You have located them on world maps, made them out of vegetables and paper mache and even had story time with your animals. You always amaze me Y6 with your engagement in our tasks and you make me very proud to be your teacher.

I really enjoy seeing the things you do at home with your families. You make me snails from ear to ear with your creations and your artistic talents. You are all stars.

Have a fabulous weekend

Mrs B

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