A super week in Y6. Your hard work is paying off as we put all our new skills into practise. WE HAVE MASTERED ALGEBRA AND WE ARE PROUD!!
In Maths this week we have completed our algebra unit and will revisit the balanced equations and use this formula in our daily starters. We will begin a new unit next week. We have also sat an arithmetic paper against the clock. Our scores are improving all the time and I really like the way Y6 are asking for certain questions to be put into our starters to improve their knowledge. We had an extra Maths lesson this week as we used bar charts to analyse our data collected in Science. These will appear in our studywork books.
In English we have battled against each other to learn our modelled information text. We will continue to compete next week to find our paragraph finalists. We have created an information toolkit and boxed up our ideas for our modelled and shared writing. We will complete these next week. I will write an information piece on Edinburgh Castle whilst Y6 will write theirs on Beeston Castle. We will ping pong our ideas and use all the resources we have created to support our writing.
During our Spag lessons this week we have focused on commas in lists and commas used to separate co-ordinating conjunctions called fanboys. We have also begun to look at the SpaG KS2 2017 Sats paper as a team and we will continue with this next week.
In Book Club this week we have all read with an adult, changed our books if needed and enjoyed our shared reading books. New questions have been set. Please support your child to complete these questions each week, as they do support our learning in class and can sometimes be forgotten. We have also enjoyed World Book Day as we came to school dressed as characters. We took to the hot-seat to share out outfits and our favourite books.
In Geography this week we considered the same place, at a different time. We looked at old photographs and discussed how the locations might look now? Using ipads our task was to find locations in the past using the Geograph website. In comparison, we then found the same location but in the present. Children used the street view on Google Maps to locate their chosen site then used pic-collage to copy and paste into a presentation. We will review these next week.
In Science this week we focused on analysing our results from the experiment we completed last week. We represented these results in a bar graph and revisited our predictions. Using the bar graph we reported on our findings and considered which beak was the most successful at collecting a variety of foods. We completed our unit by considering the features of a woolly mammoth to those of an elephant. Evolution was the term we needed to include and explain in our reports. We will begin a new unit next week.
We began our Computing unit on podcasts today. We considered what makes a successful podcast and thought about how we could plan our own using the Stone Age artefacts we have made. We have now split into teams and decided on our roles.
In RE we began our new unit on Hinduism. Considering good and evil was the introduction to this unit. We then recapped our Y4 learning on the Brahman and the Trimurti. The three significant forms of Brahman are: Brahma , Vishnu and Shiva . These three gods express key aspects of Brahman and form the Trimurti. We will continue with this unit next week.
During Mindful Monday this week we shared jokes as table teams and then voted for our favourites. Jojo shared her joke as the winning one. We have also taken part in a wellbeing workshop and enjoyed different activities.
In French today we began a new unit – colours. We used different coloured crayons to learn each colour and practise the correct pronunciation. C'est de quelle coleur? C'est marron! We then played different games to support our new learning.
We have reviewed our Spag.com homework and I have set new SpaG homework for this week.
As you can see we have been extremely busy this week in Y6. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs B.
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