What a busy week we have had in Y6, from drawings on pieces of modroc caves to singing I Wish For Peace in our Y6 Class Worship. Y6 I am very proud of all you have achieved this week. You continue to work hard and try your best in all you do. Well done.
In Maths this week we have focused on our new concept on decimals by multiplying and dividing them by 10, 100 and 1000. We have converted decimals into fractions and vice versa, deepening our knowledge every day. We will continue with this unit next week. We have also completed an arithmetic test paper today using our fluency skills which we practice each day.
In English this week we have fully learnt a modelled piece of writing and boxed up the relevant planning to match. We have analysed this model to find examples of different word classes and created a writing toolkit to help us when we begin our piece. We performed our recital to Mrs Chesters who thoroughly enjoyed listening to it.
In our spelling and grammar lessons this week we have focused on the suffix ible and compared it to the suffix able. We have used the known rules to play spelling games and we have completed our CGP Spag books to consolidate our learning. We will continue with ably and ibly next week.
Book club has seen Y6 concentrating hard on their read aloud books. We have also begun to look at comprehension tasks linked to reading papers. We are looking at these as a class to establish which questions may trick us in the future.
We have finished our cave art this week. They look very impressive. We used our sawing skills to create a frame and practised using the charcoal before adding cave drawings to our Modroc caves. These pieces of art will now be placed on our display to create an effective cave of art.
In Computing this week we have begun to consider e-safety on the internet. We have watched a video showing different scenarios to consider. Thinkuknow is the educational programme we are using to discuss this very important topic. We will continue with this next week.
In French this week we recapped last term's learning with tete, epaules, genoux et pieds (head, shoulder, knees and toes) and then moved on to putting these parts of the body into an action. We played Simon says in French to practice our new learning.
In Music this week we have begun to learn the lyrics to Happy by Pharell Williams. We used the glockenspiels to play the melody using 4 bars. Listening carefully to the tune and the beat we needed to follow. We will continue with this next week.
New homework has been set. This includes: Spag online task (1), TT Rock Stars practice and regular reading aloud with comprehension style questions being asked (sample questions are printed in the front of each reading diary). There are also comprehension questions set during our Book Club sessions that need answering please.
We ended our week with another impressive class worship delivered today by year 6. Well done. Mrs Chesters is quite right when she said the message was clear and the singing was very moving. You created a beautiful worship around one of our Fruits of the Spirit – Peace. The hall was so quiet as everyone focused on your message and the beautiful delivery of The Three Trees. Thank you for supporting our worship.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs B
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