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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week

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What a fantastic week we have had in Year 6. It has been filled with different aspects of Science as we explored "Our Diverse Planet" during Science Week.

In Maths this week we have begun to look at different measurements. Our focus has been on metric measurements as we worked to convert them from larger units to smaller units and vice versa. Our knowledge has grown over the week and we will continue with this unit next week.

In English this week we have begun our shared writing. We have used our toolkits and sentence signposts to create an informative piece of writing. We will continue with this piece next week and then finish our unit off with an independent write. I am really impressed with the word choices Y6 have made as they use linking and adding signposts and terminology.

During our Spag lessons this week we have continued to focus on using commas accurately. This week we have looked at commas in subordinating clauses. We have also continued to look at the spelling and grammar KS2 2017 SATs paper as a team. We have reviewed our Spag.com homework and a new task has been set.

In Book Club this week we have all read with an adult, changed our books if needed and enjoyed our shared reading books. New questions have been set.

Science this week has been a big part of our afternoon learning. We began the week by considering what makes science exciting in school and we also thought about the different jobs scientists do. We had the chance to use our computing time this week to explore a new space app. High Impact came in to support our learning and taught us how to use this new app effectively. We also had chance this week to research different animals to find the most unusual animal living on Earth. Y6 came across some strange creatures that live in different habitats within our diverse planet. We also began a new Science unit – living things and their habitats. Our lesson began with a recap of previous learning as we recalled the term classification. We used Liquorice Allsorts to consider classification and created a classification chart using questions and branching keys. Of course, some sweets were classified by taste!! We will continue this unit as we move on to classifying living things.

We revisited colours in French this week as we completed a written task to embed these new words.

RE continued this week as we focused on the God Vishnu and the 10 avatars that are recalled in the scriptures of the Ramayana. Our lesson focused on the 7th Avatar – Rama. We used an image to create our own drawing concentrating on the key features of this avatar. In teams we carefully drew from 4 different people's observations and then compared the outcome. Had we spotted all the key features? We finished our lesson by watching a video clip of the story of how Rama was created.

In Music this week we continued to listen to and discuss the music of Beethoven. We are also learning and performing our focus song.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday,

Mrs B.

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