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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 25.6.21

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These weeks are flying by, and we are packing so much into each of them. This week you have worked hard in many different areas of your learning, and I am so proud of you all.

In maths this week we have worked with angles in our geometry unit. We have measured angles, drawn angles and calculated angles within triangles. We have used measurements to create a logo and we have challenged our knowledge when answering reasoning questions. We ended our week with our final SATs paper, and we will revisit them all next week. Great work Y6.

In english this week we have worked on our descriptive writing skills. We have continued to learn our model write and used different stimuli to identify word classes and create metaphors. We have created a useful toolkit and jotted down examples of each feature from our model. We will continue with this unit next week. Our spelling lesson continued to focus on the ible ending. We used different explanations to choose the correct wording. We know that there are exceptions, but generally the rule is, if you cannot hear the root word it is an ible rather than able ending.

In our book club sessions this week we have continued to focus on the Holocaust. We have begun to read small excerpts from The Boy in Striped Pyjamas and used this text to focus on characterisation. We will continue with this next week. We have also completed our SATs reading paper. We will revisit and discuss this next week. You are smashing it Y6.

Our history lesson continued with Steven Frank and his granddaughter taking them on his journey to Auschwitz. We discussed the content of the film and reflected on our own thoughts. Your discussion and thoughtfulness towards Steven Frank were clear to see Y6. We were then introduced to the term Arboretum and using a map had a look at the site in Staffordshire. We will continue with our learning next week.

In geography this week we continued to look at OS map symbols, although using 4 figure and 6 figure grid references was the main focus of our learning. We used our prior knowledge of OS symbols to identify key landmarks on a map London. Looking at an example of an OS map gave us the opportunity to learn all about eastings and northings as coordinates. We learnt that each square refers to 1km square in real life, and to find an exact location, we can use 6 figure grid references. We quickly built on these skills to use four figure references like 23,45 and six figures like 219,345 to crack a code.

Our computing time was dedicated to planning our upcoming study work page. In groups, we made decisions about how to display our learning about Alan Turing. We summarised the key information and made group and individual decisions ready to create our final page.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we reflected on our unit and decided how we felt about our progress. Independently, we spent time thinking about whether we can now make decisions to protect our hearts, and if we now feel we can make decisions to protect the hearts of others. We then spoke to our partners to share this. If we felt we had further steps to make, we completed our next steps too.

In music this week, we began to look at our Leavers Song. First, we listened to 'You've Got A Friend.' We agreed the lyrics were meaningful, but as a class, we just felt we needed something more upbeat. Miss Holland then played 'Count On Me' by Bruno Mars. All but four of us raised our hands to say – this was our song! Quite a few of us know the song lyrics very well and sang along happily. As a class, we are hoping it will turn into a great performance!

In PE with Sportscape this week we thoroughly enjoyed a fencing lesson. We began by carefully practising the correct stance for this sport. We used jabbing techniques to try and land a hit on our partner. We used the vests and masks to protect ourselves. Well done Y6. Please look out for our second PE lesson as this will be posted by Mrs Jenkins.

In DT this week we were introduced to blackout poetry. We are using the poem In Flanders Fields to create the background of our front cover for our studywork books. First, we chose prominent words from the poem and then we used different images to sketch in our art books ready to blackout the poem. This is a new technique for us in Y6, and we cannot wait to see the results.

We completed our RE unit this week using the big question – Does Genesis disprove the Science? Our artwork assessment was completed and will now be ready for a quote to be added.

We continued with our transition activities this week. We picked up from where we left off last week and continued to discuss your concerns and points of excitement. I really like the way you are sharing your thoughts. We also had the chance to watch a short film presented by Y7 children. They discussed different worries they had when transitioning and revisited them for us with top tips and ideas.

In science this week we considered our learning objective – Can drugs impact the way the human body functions? We also thought about how certain drugs can be used for positive effect in the form of medicines. We began by sharing what we thought drugs were? We discussed what we already knew and looked at some examples of different drugs. We discussed the thought that all drugs are bad. Our focus was the drug cannabis. We considered how different countries class this drug and we then went on to look at different statements. Were they true or false? A brilliant class discussion took place and we shared and listened maturely. Well done Y6. You are stars.

We ended our week with a french lesson. Using images of different people, we tried to name them using French words. We know that there are French male and female pronouns, and we know that ma is female and mon is male. Tres bien Y6.

What can I say Y6? Your attitude to learning is spot on. You have all worked so hard and I know you have tackled your end of year assessments in the form of SATs papers with real resilience. I hope you have had a brilliant weekend. Next week we will think about transition a little more and hopefully experience different high school lessons. Don't forget you can wear your hoodies daily from July 1st. I have organised Shavington and Madeley virtual transition sessions for some of you and these will take place this week.

See you all tomorrow,
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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