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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 14.5.21

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We have had another busy week in Y6. I am so proud of how hard you all work. Your school day begins at 8.30am and you always settle to your tasks straightaway. Beginning with arithmetic, you show your skills by tackling a huge range of fluency questions and you can always explain your reasoning.

We then move on to our Book Club tasks. This week we have continued to read with an adult. Mrs Whittingham and I are so proud of how far you have all come and we are now asking you to keep reading at home as we prepare you for your high school move. Some of our Book Club time this week was also given to a class discussion on kindness. We took time to discuss what kindness means and you shared your thoughts thoughtfully. We also talked about what a Y6 classroom would look like without it. Respect for each other is top of your list as you move through your final weeks at Wybunbury Delves.

Maths is next on our timetable. We began our lessons by reviewing our early morning fluency tasks. You have had algebra included in your questions this week and you are showing confidence when calculating them. Measurements is our new unit, and we began our learning with key vocabulary. We know that there are two types of measurement, metric and imperial. This week, we have worked with metric units and looked at different real-life scenarios to convert between them. We have successfully used stem sentences and a conversion chart to move between the units. Our stem sentences are now on our working maths wall. By popular demand, we ended our week with a timetables test.

After completing our shared write and editing our pieces, the rest of our week in English was all about the preparations for our independent hot write. Our process began by thinking of a new gadget and ideas to go with it. Who would your gadget be for, what are its features, what is its catchy title and who is going to endorse your gadget? From these ideas we boxed them up onto our plan. This gave us the opportunity to think about our paragraphs carefully and we even thought about including Y6 misconception words too. We revisited out targets and then crafted our piece. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading them all and I am so impressed with the standard you are writing at. Well done Y6. We will edit to improve them next week.

We have been busy this week in our other lessons too. Our tennis is coming along nicely as we put our learnt skills into practice. Keeping our eyes on the ball and moving our feet into the correct position is our focus in my PE lesson at the moment. For further news of Mrs Jenkins lesson please view her PE school post.

Our conversational skills continued this week in French as we learnt how to say yesterday, today and tomorrow. We used sound buttons to pronounce new words accurately and then completed a short activity to consolidate our learning. Tres Bien Y6.

In our Computing lesson this week we began with an iMovie tutorial lead by Austin. He talked us through the process of adding a picture from our camera roll and we shared different jingles and talked about which fitted our genre best. Austin's screen share mode was put to good use as he shared his screen for us all to see. The second part of our lesson was given to script writing. We used our film scenes to keep us on track with our scripts and we thought about each other's roles. We are now ready to film our movie. The green screen has been requested in Y6 to add extra effects.

We revisited our diffusion and osmosis experiment predictions in Science this week. What did you see? Did this match your prediction? We then added labelled diagrams to support our findings. We have now learnt about the heart, blood and how nutrients are absorbed into our bodies. We will move our learning on to the circulatory system and how this works in our bodies.

Resilience and patience were the buzz words in DT this week. We began our lesson by reviewing our poppy designs. What stitches had we chosen to use, and which was our challenge stitch? We then recapped how to stay safe when using our needles and we recapped how use a needle threader. Binka (a piece of firm material with holes) and thread enabled us to get going. If we found the stitch tricky, we then used the large practice cards to try out our stitch before returning to our Binka. A range of stitches were achieved. The French Knot is our trickiest stitch in Y6 and after watching Youtube tutorials some of you mastered it. We will revisit our Binka next week before we think about creating our 3d poppy.

We have also taken part in a History lesson this week. We recapped our learning from last week by listing the foods that were rationed during WW2. We then engaged in a super class discussion thinking about the answers to different questions. Do you think people were healthier during WW2? Do you think food was more flavoursome and there was more choice during WW2? The question that threw us the most in Y6 was do you think there were takeaways available during WW2. We answered no to this question. Then found out that the national dish of fish and chips was available, but only at the weekends. We used our knowledge to create a ration wheel which will be placed into our study work books. We ended our session by watching a short rationing video to recap all the main points.

A new unit in RE began this week. We always begin a new unit with a big question. This helps us to think about the objective to our lesson. Our big question is: Do you think Science disproves Genesis? We began our lesson with a picture of the universe, and we considered what we thought our unit may be about. Many of you guessed correctly by answering The Creation Story. Our question was then revealed, and we discussed the vocabulary within it. Our lesson then moved on to a video presented to us within a church. This video enabled us to think about a Christians belief – God created the world within 6 days and rested on the seventh. We also learnt more about the book of Genesis and how this is the first history book within the Old Testament. Y6 have asked for our next RE lesson to focus on the Big Bang Theory as they would like to consider what the science says about the creation of the world.

In Music this week with Miss Holland, we sang our wartime songs in the correct order. Our objectives were; to stand up straight, use our best singing voices and to sing in-time. We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn is still a tricky one for us, but we will get there (timing is the key!). We then moved on to practise the Charleston to – Let's All Go Down the Strand. Well done Y6.

Our next PSHE lesson was all about secrets. Our objective was to recognise when it is right to keep a secret and when secrets should be shared. We discussed different types of secrets – fun secrets (e.g. surprises); secrets to protect other's hearts (e.g. something that would embarrass them if others knew); secrets to stop someone getting in trouble (e.g. someone is doing something they know they shouldn't). We learnt that it is ok to share a secret if that secret means someone could be in danger.

Our weekly wellbeing club was great fun. We ran through our basketball choreography to begin our session and then moved on to our new routine. Using the Imagine Dragons track "Believer" we used hockey sticks to create a rhythm to the beat. We will continue to work on our routine next week.

We ended our week thinking about our wellbeing by looking at a survival toolkit. Children were told that they were stranded in a forest and had to choose 10 items to keep. The children all discussed how they would choose which items to keep and what was the importance of each. These items were then rated with explanations being discussed.

I am sure you will agree that we couldn't fit anything else into our week in Y6. You have worked hard and deserve your weekend break. I am always so proud of you all and you always bring a smile to my face.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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