And that's it for another week in Year 4. We've written letters to Miss P, taken part in our SRE week and even had an interview with a dentist...
In Book Club, we spent the week quietly reading. This allowed us to read aloud with an adult, add points for our book reviews and make sure we are all recording in our reading diaries! On Friday, we headed outside to spend time reading in the fresh air with our picnic blankets underneath us, it was great!
In English this week, we planned, drafted and wrote letters to our new teacher, Miss Pennance. Within our letters, we made sure to include lots of information about ourselves. We mentioned everything from lockdown, to our favourite topics, whilst even letting Miss P know about any worries we might have for Year 4. We finished the week by writing up our letters neatly, adding in pictures along the way. They now sit pride of place on the final page of our Study Work books!
In Maths, we started a new unit on all things angles! We recapped our learning from lockdown and jumped straight into identifying right, acute, obtuse and straight line angles. We even used SeeSaw to produce fantastic presentations as we went on an angle hunt around school. We were able to order and compare angles also throughout the week, well done, Y4!
In Worship this week, we discussed a number of key issues and bible stories. On Monday, we spoke about whether every place on earth was equally important! We used the Great Barrier Reef as an example of this.
Our Science learning continued to be all about electricity and circuits this week. We recapped our circuits from the last lesson and quickly built our own once again. From this, we were able to add switches into our circuits. We discussed different switches and the role they play within an electrical circuit. It was fantastic to see you all being so resilient and even more brilliant when your circuits with switches began to light up!
We also got a special treat this week to help us understand our learning on teeth. Ronke, a real life dentist, very kindly came in to answer our questions on all things teeth. It was brilliant to get some top tips and she even gave us a tube of toothpaste! Thank you so much!
In design technology, Miss Holland showed us how our fruit and vegetables have grown since being sowed or planted at her allotment for our learning. We discussed the importance of having good nutrients in the soil and how this helps seeds and plants to grow. We looked at chicken pellets and how they help with this. Miss Holland had harvested her potatoes, white onions and red onions, as well as a not very large carrot! These were not as successful as we had hoped! We did have a chuckle about it though! It was great to see the vegetables we will be using to make our food dish. We watched some Farm to Fork clips, and were amazed to discover that one farm grows 225 million tomatoes every year and one of their glasshouses is the size of 8, yes 8 football pitches!!
Next, we learnt about the importance of Food and Health. We spoke about what we should remember to do before handling food and how we must wash our hands before, during and after handling food. We don't want to have cross contamination as this could make us ill. We looked at what 'Best Before' and 'Use By' mean on our food products. We are looking forward to creating our class dish next week.
In PSHE, we spent time focusing upon relationships and growing up this week. I have been so proud of each and every one of you this week as we have discussed lots of interesting topics. We started by talking about the difference between sex and gender. From this, we thought about the differences between male and female body parts. We used scientific words such as penis, testicles, vulva and nipples. On Tuesday we discussed the key words: physical, emotional and reproduction. We also spoke about puberty and what changes someone might go through. On Friday, we finished our week by discussing relationships and what it might mean to be in a relationship. Well done, Y4!
On Friday, we took part in our party day. It was so fun enjoying an afternoon of games and laughter. You all looked fantastic in your party clothes too!
During our mixed sports club this week, we played handball! It was fantastic to see your skills on show!
During our P.E session with SportsScape this week, we took part in boxing! It was awesome using the pads and gloves to practise our boxing skills. We were very tired afterwards!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Dale
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