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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News: 28.5.21

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How quick has this half term flown by? It's been another few weeks of laughs, learning and lots of fantastic moments...

In Book Club, we spent the week on our Steps to Read programme. We used the book, 'Habitats' this week. We read a range of different sections, focusing upon technical language and read aloud skills. We were able to answer questions about adaptations and how we as humans have a role to play in protecting all animals, well done, Y4!

In English this week, we completed the final stage of our T4W unit, the imagination stage. We used all our knowledge from the last two weeks to help us rewrite an entire chapter 1 from a book! We used expanded noun phrases, similes, adverbs and so many more SPaG devices to ensure our writing was fantastic! It was brilliant to read your writing – it was amazing! We also spent time this week writing up our innovation stage writes for Study Work – our handwriting was the best it has ever been!

In Maths, we started a new unit on money! We thought about what we already knew about money and quickly started talking about Bitcoin and mortgages! We then focused upon the different notes and coins. Our knowledge of decimals helped us to order, round and add money together – well done, Year 4!

In our Computing time, we finished our stop motion projects. We recapped the previous week's learning and talked through the tools we could use whilst on the Stop Motion app. We spent the entire lesson creating our animations, using all the skills we had previously learned. We also added green screen backgrounds via iMovie to finish off our creations – they were so great to watch. We also completed a study work page on our project. They looked superb as the children really took their time and care in presentation of the page.

In PHSE, we continued with our ''Fake is a Mistake'' unit! We spoke about the game 'Truth or Dare'. We thought carefully about how this can be a fun game, but if there are no boundaries to it, it can quickly get our of hand! We discussed 'peer pressure' and ways we could deal with this...

To begin our music lesson, we recapped our previous notes before moving on to play Hot Cross Buns. A few of us volunteered to play this solo. Mr Norbury was really impressed with how much we had all remembered. We then began learning to play Old Macdonald's Farm. The rhythm for this was: F F F C D D C – A A G G F – C – F F F C D D C – A A G G F – C C F F F – C C F F F – F x 12. Mr Norbury directed us brilliantly. We are sounding great!

In R.E, we continued to think about baptism and our bigger question of the church community. This week saw us think about the different symbols involved within a baptism. We sketched pictures of the different things/objects and added a description to these also! We thought about holy water, the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit and the importance of John the Baptist.

In French this week, we discovered some new vocabulary words. We spoke about families and quickly started to think about the French pronunciation of family members. We learnt the difference between 'ma and mon', whilst also playing some funny role play games too! There were definitely a few grandmas and grandads walking around the classroom on Monday!

In Worship through the week, we discussed a number of key issues and bible stories. We listened to the parable of the Good Samaritan, whilst we also met with our new Vicar, Alison.

In P.E, the rain stopped our rounders game dead in its tracks! So, instead, we focused upon what makes a good sports person. We thought about the obvious things such as strength, power and endurance. However, we quickly moved onto talking about qualities such as respect, teamwork and fairness. We watched a series of fair play moments and discussed them! We then created sportsmanship posters, these were fantastic, well done, Y3/4!

Have a lovely, restful half term,

Mr Dale

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