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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News: 2.7.21

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The weeks just keep flying right on by! This week we've researched changes in technology, finished our terrific trumpets learning and even had time to squeeze in an investigation into conductors and insulators during our Science unit.

In Book Club, we spent the week quietly reading. This allowed us to read aloud with an adult, add points for our book reviews and make sure we are all recording in our reading diaries!

In English this week, we started to think about the future and our journeys moving forward into Year 5. We created wonderful mind maps to display what we could include into our letter to Miss Pennance. It was a great opportunity to reflect upon the year we've all just had. It was lovely to see that we've all achieved so much and grown in lots of ways. I can't wait for us to write them up next week!
In Spellings this week, we focused upon the 'sion' ending. We looked at the special rules for adding this suffix and played lots of games along the way. We definitely know how to spell 'sion' words now! Well done!

In Maths, we started the week by looking at an interesting lesson on angles, symmetry and coordinates. We built upon our knowledge from previous year groups and worked hard to answer a range of questions. On Tuesday, we all sat our Maths quiz. We worked incredibly well to answer a series of problem solving questions that tested our reasoning skills. Everyone did fantastic! On Wednesday we continued our unit on time. We used our knowledge of days, hours, minutes and months to answer lots of reasoning questions. Well done, Y4!

Our Computing time was once again focused upon coding. We started by recapping our vocab from previous lessons including "actions, algorithms and loops". We quickly moved on to discuss our new focus for the lesson – "repeats and loops." We used code studio to create coded loops that produced drawings! There were some fantastic patterns created and lots of efficient coding on display too!

We continued our unit on Jane Perkins in art this week. We built upon our knowledge from the last lesson and discussed some of her work. We were inspired by her work once again and this time used newspaper to create a silhouette of our Iron Man. It was fantastic to see children building their collages and using darker materials to produce shading patterns in their work – just like Jane! From this, we created a fantastic Study Work page, complete with a quote from Jane Perkins herself.

In R.E this week, we continued investigating our question of "How do Christians follow Jesus?" We started on Monday by thinking about the different ways we can share love ourselves and the ways in which a Christian might show love to God and Jesus. On Friday, we thought about our question once more. We spent time discussing how a Christian might follow Jesus and from this created fantastic posters displaying our ideas!

In Worship this week, we discussed a number of key issues and bible stories. On Monday, we spoke about Christian Eriksen and his collapse during a Euro 2020 game. This led to a discussion of what life skills should be taught at schools. We talked about swimming and of course CPR being key skills that should be taught at schools across the country!

Our Science learning continued to be all about electricity and circuits this week. We recapped our circuits from last lesson and quickly built our own. From this, we started to talk about how different materials can allow electricity to pass through them, whereas some materials stop the flow of electricity. We now know this terms and conductors and insulators. We added in a range of materials to test their electrical properties. We used coins, pencils, tin foil and even our reading badges! There was such as buzz in the classroom as we found lots of interesting materials that conduct electricity!

In PE this week, we focused on building our cricket skills. To begin with, we spoke about the importance of having a good throwing technique, and showed our partners our best technique. Next we looked at the two handed pick-up. Some of us familiar with this demonstrated how best to do it. Working in pairs, we practiced picking up and throwing the ball in the correct way. To end our lesson, we branched off into groups of 6 and rotated being: batsmen, fielders, wicketkeepers and bowlers. We offered support for one another when we changed roles.

What can we say about music this week? We are going to miss playing our brass instruments! Where did the past 10 weeks go? We will also miss seeing Mr Norbury and Emily. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn to play a brass instrument through Music For Life. Some of us are hoping to carry on this musical journey by having lessons in September. Our mini-concert went smoothly and allowed us to shine brightly. Miss Holland is so proud of how hard we have worked this term. She said we have listened, tried our best, grown in confidence, but most importantly – we've had fun!

In PSHE, we spent time focusing upon a health aspect this week. We discussed the topic of alcohol and the health impacts of drinking too much. We were very grown up in our discussions and worked well in teams to discuss a series of issues. Well done, Y4!

In History, we continued our unit all about technology! We worked in pairs this week to research old and new inventions/technology. It was fascinating to see how technology has changed and developed over time. It was awesome to see everyone so confidently using SeeSaw to add annotations, voice notes and slides about their technology choices. We had mobile phones, laptops, watches and bikes to name a few! Well done, Y4.

In French, we recapped our numbers 0-31. We were so confident and correct in our pronunciations. We were also very quick! From this, we created a fantastic Study Work page. We all designed our own 0-31 French number board game and even had time to play them too! Tres bien!

During our mixed sports club this week, we learnt about the game and of course played it too! We were fantastic at the game and had so much fun, well done to all those involved!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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