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C of E Primary School

Y4 Weekly News: 11.6.21

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Another fantastic week has flown by in Y4...

In Book Club, we spent the week quiet reading. This allowed us to read aloud with an adult, add points for our book reviews and make sure we are all recording in our reading diaries!

In English this week, we started a brand new T4W unit. Our unit over the next three weeks will see us focus upon persuasive writing. We spent the week learning our model text all about persuading our world leaders to be greener. We also spent time learning some new T4W games including: talking topics, Pobble Pictures and idiom guesser. Alongside this, we completed a series of short burst writes linking to our T4W targets. We thought about different sentence types and the persuasive words we could use in our writing.

In Maths, we finished our unit on money! We completed a series of lessons on problem solving this week. We had to add, subtract, times and divide money, whilst also thinking about a range of two step problems. We continued to complete our daily starters and on Friday, an arithmetic quiz. We were brilliant at answering all of the questions! Next week will see us look at time!

In our Computing time, we continued our coding journeys. The lesson saw us think about 'events'. We started by recapping key vocabulary and discussed our favourite games. We quickly worked out that all the games we play have events and actions. An event will cause an action. For example, pressing X will make a character jump. We watched some gameplay and predicted what events were taking place. This unplugged activity helped us to understand events and actions. We then completed a level on Code Studio, using our new knowledge of events and actions. We finished by recapping what an event was! Well done, Y4!

In PHSE, we finished our ''Fake is a Mistake'' unit! In this week's lesson, we discussed 'smoking'. We thought about the dangers of smoking and why people might start to smoke in the first place.

In R.E, we wrapped up our unit on the church community and baptism. We answered the big question in our books and produced some wonderful responses. We were all able to answer the question of why baptism is so important to Christians. We used all of our previous lesson knowledge and our interview with Mrs Hughes to help us.

In French this week, we discovered some new vocabulary words. We recapped our families words and pronounced a number of family members. We then learnt a new phrase! We were able to say ''His name is"" and "Her name is". We played a fun game to consolidate this new knowledge!

In Worship this week, we discussed a number of key issues and bible stories. We listened to the parable of the Wedding at Cana, and thought about how people would of viewed Jesus at the time. We also spoke about the importance of farmers and the role they play in our society.
Monday saw us complete a fantastic Geography lesson. We started by thinking about where our energy comes from. This allowed us to talk about power and how it is generated. We used the atlases to locate the power stations around the UK. We found out that by 2025, the government wants to shut down all non renewable power stations! We then moved on to thinking about the different types of energy sources. We played a game to get us familiar with both nonrenewable and renewable energy sources.

Our Geography lesson on Wednesday began by eating a selection of snacks. This gave us a practical way to understand what it might be like to conserve resources. We all ate our snacks using different criteria and by the end of the activity we related each one to how resources like food, water and energy can be conserved. We also explored the main reasons for food waste and ways that we can save electricity at home.

In Music this week our main objective was to learn how to control our breathing. We learnt how air control makes notes longer but in a controlled way. We found this rather tricky at the start, but we improved so much by the end of the lesson. Breathing control also helps us with our volume level. Playing loudly is not the best way. Controlling our breathing allows us to play notes in the same way. We assessed our performance of Eddie's Blues and agreed we slowed down in time with the piece of music. We are aware of how hard playing higher notes are, but we are giving it our all!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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