This week we've shown off our nativity service, completed our Study Work books and even managed to become bread bakers too!
In Maths this week we spent time practising our x3, x4 and x8 times tables through games and time on TTRockstars! Keep practising over Christmas to improve your score!
In Book Club we continued to read aloud and answer questions. It's been fantastic to see your attitude to reading, keep it up!
Throughout the week, we've been very busy completing our Study Work books! The children have worked incredibly hard all week and it was lovely to see so many parents at Study Work sharing. The children have taken a real pride in their learning this term, well done!
In R.E this week we completed our assessment piece. Using all of our knowledge around the Christmas story and Advent, the children labelled and described the Advent Wreath and its importance to Christians.
In D&T this week we wrapped up our unit on bread by becoming bakers ourselves. We got into pairs to check, prep and measure our ingredients. We followed the recipe and hygiene rules to create some amazing bread rolls! Check it out!
On Wednesday and Thursday, we also showed our nativity service to parents and family. You all spoke really clearly and sang beautifully, well done everyone!
On Friday we had our party and played lots of fun games to round off the year!
A huge thank you to those that took the time to get gifts/cards for Miss Holland and I, they were all very thoughtful, thank you. I would like to give another thanks for all of your support this term, it's been great fun! I can't wait for next year! (After a long Christmas break, obviously!)
Have a fantastic Christmas and a very happy new year,
Mr Dale
01270 841302
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Bridge Street