Wow, Year 3! Another week of amazing home learning has passed us by...
In Maths this week, we started a brand new unit on Fractions. We recapped what we knew about them, using posh language such as denominator and numerator! We completed questions on spotting different fractions and used our new knowledge to place fractions along a number line! By Friday, we were able to work out fractions of amounts using division to help us! Well done, Year 3!
In English this week, we started with SPaG – where we looked at lots of different Y3 SPaG questions. On Tuesday we watched a video from the Hay Festival to listen to our author, Cressida Cowell. We then created our own dragons complete with descriptions. SPaG. On Thursday and Friday, we carried on with the dragon theme, designing our own top Trump cards! We made sure to include pictures, descriptions and stats!
Throughout the week, Year 3 were also very busy completing topic work and P.E challenges! You are all working so hard!
Year 3, you've once again smashed your home learning out of the park, and I'm so proud to be your teacher. Have a lovely half term break and I will see you ready and raring to go on June the 1st!
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Year 3 parents who are working incredibly hard during these very strange times.
I'm so happy to be taking the class into Year 4 and I'm excited to get the children back into school when it is safe to do so.
Have a lovely half term,
Mr Dale
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street