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C of E Primary School

Y3 Weekly News

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This week we've been terrific traders, relaxed readers and superb story-tellers...

In Book Club this week we spent time quiet reading and read aloud to Mr Dale. It's been great to see how much you've been interacting with your new read aloud book and I've seen lots of progress, well done, Y3!

In Maths this week we wrapped up our unit on multiplication and division. We focused on word problems this week and had to decide which operations to use! We spent time on reasoning problems and used a range of methods to help us work out the answers! Next week our focus switches to money!

In SPaG this week we looked at apostrophes for contraction. We recapped words such as 'can't, shouldn't and couldn't. We thought about the rules and ways to remember the words! We then created 'board game game boards' and on Friday all played a contraction SPaG game! We had to change the contracted word to its longer version and vice versa! Well done!
In English we began the second stage to our new Talk4Writing journey. This week we adapted our original stories and planned to create new characters, settings and storylines! Throughout the week, we ensured to keep thinking about our targets and by the end everybody had 4 paragraphs full of a plot, expanded noun phrases and exciting adjectives! Well done! Next week we will once again use our toolkits and planning to help us create entirely new storylines! I can't wait to read them!

In History this week we took part in two very practical lessons! Our first involved looking at the ever changing english map over the periods between 400 CE to 1066 CE. We used cubes and worked in groups to retell the story of the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and the Normans reign over England! Check it out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNrkLLhQ3f4.
Our second lesson saw us look at the period on our timeline where there was relative peace amongst the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons. Trading was the aim of the game, with half the class becoming Vikings and half Anglo-Saxons! We worked in teams to become kings, traders and farmers/fisherman! Check it out – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLdQLwppEpk.
We also began work on our timeline inspired study work page – they are looking great!

In R.E this week we looked at our second parable, 'The Parable of the Yeast'. We listened to two different versions and thought about what the hidden message could be. We quickly realised that the yeast were the things inside us that makes us a good person (fruits of the spirit) and that the more we showed off these, the more that would show on the outside – in the form of rising bread (us!). We created some artwork around this to help us remember the message!

In Science this week we started our new topic on animals and humans. Nutrients was our focus this week! We learnt about the 5 food groups and the 7 nutrients (can you remember them all?). We watched videos of how energy is created from carbs and fats and also why other nutrients such as protein are so important to us! We grouped the nutrients in our topic books and during our next lesson we looked at what specific nutrients a human needs in their diet. We compared this to dogs and realised that dogs need lots of carbohydrates because they are so energetic! Whereas cats need lots of protein to keep them healthy!

During our time with Miss Holland this week, we practised handwriting and some of the Y3/4 spellings. We then continued with our music project. This week, we were split into groups to practise the different verses of the song. It's all starting to come together!

During Mindful Monday we joined up with Y2 to do some calming guided meditation. We also continued to improve upon our daily mile goals throughout the week!

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mr Dale

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