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C of E Primary School

Y2 Weekly News 28.05.2021

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Happy Half Term Year 2! Throughout this term, you have worked so hard, and this week is no exception.

In English this week we have finished our unit on Poetry. Last week, we began looking at the poem 'The Sound Collector' by Roger McGough. We wrote a version as a whole class team, and then this week we have created our own using Stone Age ideas for inspiration. When writing, you followed the rhyming pattern and created some fantastic pieces of poetry! They were so good that we have begun writing them up for our study work books. Good work team!

In Maths, we finished our unit on Fractions. During the unit, we have gotten to grips with halves, quarters and finding three quarters. To help us, we have been using counters, ultilink cubes and pictures. This was tricky at times, but you showed great resilience, and I am proud of how much you have learnt. Well done Year 2. We have also been practicing our arithmetic skills throughout the week as well.

On Monday, we finished our R.E. unit on the Holy Spirit. Throughout the unit, we have learnt how symbols are used in the bible to represent the Holy Spirit. The main ones are water, fire, wind and a dove. You each picked the symbol you thought was the best a representing the Holy Spirit and turned it into a piece of beautiful artwork. Our artwork was like a wordle. You wrote all the words that the symbol conveyed and then used water-colours to add decoration. They look beautiful.

On Tuesday, we continued with our Science unit. This time, our focus was on world habitats. You learnt about four of the main different world habitats: ocean habitats, rainforest habitats, desert habitats and polar habitats. After learning about them, you chose your favourite and used the facts you had learnt to create an informative poster.

We have also been completing Study work in our afternoons too. As part of our study work, we have developed our water-colouring skills, our cutting skills and our handwriting skills. This has allowed us to create a beautiful page to celebrate our nutrition and cooking lessons which we completed at the start of the term.

In Heartsmart this week we began a new unit – Fake is a mistake. We began thinking about Boris the Robot and how much we value him and how he shows his love to others. We found out that Boris wanted to impress us by telling a lie, and when we heard what he said, we talked about why he didn't need to do that. He didn't need to impress us as we already knew how great he was. We then decided to draw pictures of ourselves and write what makes us great! We learnt that it is important to let others know who we really are and we are all unique and amazing in our own special way.

Music this week saw us come to the end of our ukulele unit. We practiced playing our songs and spoke about our favourite one to play. We sang along too – if we felt confident enough to multitask! We found it can be quite tricky to attempt both! Miss Holland asked us to write a few sentences to complete our own self-assessment. We now know this means all about our learning; including how we can improve for next time. Well done Year 2!

For P.E news, please check our Mrs Jenkin's separate P.E post.

Have a wonderful half term everyone,

Miss Pennance

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