We have been busy bees once again in Year 2.
In English this week, we have finished writing our first stories based on the Little Red Hen. You have all done a wonderful job. This was a 'shared Write' and in a shared write I give you top tips for writing. I was so pleased to see that so many of you were using all of these tips in your own work. Well done team. Next week you will be doing your 'Show What You Know' Write. This is where you work completely independently and try your best to use everything we have learnt. We planned this on Friday. For this story, we have let our imagination run wild. Instead of sticking to the farmyard or woods, our new stories will be based in the rain forest, in the oceans and even in the savanna. How exciting!
In Math this week, we have carried on learning how to tell time. We have focused on quarter to and quarter past this week. We learnt about where the minute hand should point to for each of these new times, and where the hour hand should be too. We did lots of fluency and practical lessons on this, and we are becoming more confident telling the time now.
In our afternoon lessons, we started our week off with D.T. We used real needles, binca and wool to practice our running stitch skills. This was a tricky at first, but were determined and resilient. With focus and practice, we have been able to do neat stitches. Some of you even became experts and helped others. Impressive work!
We have done our weekly R.E lesson. Our unit this term is on discipleship where we have been learning about baptism. In our lesson this week, we thought about what a promise is because we know that god parent's make promises during a baptism. We each thought carefully about a new promise we could make and are in the process of turning these into promise pictures.
Geography and Science were our focuses for Wednesday afternoon. In Science, we came to the end of our unit on Living Things and Their Habitats, and you completed a quiz to show me all of the amazing things you have learnt. In Geography, we started our lesson by recapping the difference between natural and physical geography. Then we moved onto learning about different types of physical geography. We looked at words such as vegetation, valley, river etc and came up with definitions for them as a class. After that we went out into the sunshine and played a guessing game. Each of us had a feature and our fellow classmates had to guess who we were.
To begin our music lesson, this week we recapped our learning so far. We know how important it is not to over sing as it can very easily sound like we are shouting rather than singing. That was our focus for today. As a warm up challenge we clapped the syllables in our names. Teamwork came in here. Once each of us had clapped and sang our name, the rest of the class copied to create an echo. Counting 1,2,3,4 and clapping on 2 and 4 (even numbers) was next. Then we changed to clapping on 1 and 3 (odd numbers). Being statues was great fun. We moved to the pulse of the backing track of our Friendship Song and when Miss Holland said statue, followed by the name of an animal, we would have to stand completely still, like that animal. We had some interesting looking statues! Verses 3 and 4 were learnt next. We then performed verse 1 through to verse 4 including the choruses. Next week we will practice the coda section.
Finally on Friday, we completed another coding lesson. We learnt about loops. We know that they mean repeat. Before moving onto our code studio lesson, we completed an unplugged activity to develop our confidence and understanding.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,
Miss P
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