Our last week together has flown by, and I cannot believe we only have two days left together in Year 2! It has gone so quickly.
For English this week, we created a factfile using all our knowledge on the Stone Age. Once written, we presented the information via Google Slides. As part of our Google Slides learning, you learnt how to add and format text and pictures. Your finished presentations look wonderful and your hard work will become part of your Study Work books. By Wednesday, our slides were completed and we moved onto writing a letter to your next teacher, Miss McCurrie. You told her all about yourselves and tried your hardest to impress her with your wonderful writing skills. You had a lovely time on Friday as you were able to head outside with Miss McCurrie and share some of the things you had written about yourself.
In maths we have been playing games to help us practice our calculation skills. It has been lots of fun.
For our afternoon lessons, our main focus has been Study Work. We have been busy writing and crafting to complete our final pages. One of our final pages was linked to Science. We revisited our knowledge on food chains and recapped how all food chains start with the sun because the sun provides energy. We then used this to create our page.
We have also been sewing this week too. We used running stitch (which we learnt earlier in the term) to add detail to a woolly mammoth. You did a wonderful job, and your stitches look very neat. Once completed, we then added tusks and eyes to our mammoths and used them to decorate our Study Work front covers.
In music this week, we watched last week's performance of our 'Friendship Song.' When reflecting on our performance, we realised there were a few things we could do to make it even better. We were then ready to make sure our actions were on point as well as our volume. Some of us sang loudly last week, so we made sure we didn't do that this week. We then completed our individual music assessment based on our learning over this academic year. We are eager to find out what year 3 music is going to be!
Finally, we had lots of fun on Wednesday taking part in our Year 2 Sports day. We ran obstacle race, sprint and cross country. You all gave it your best and showed great sportsmanship too. You cheered each other on and celebrated everybody's fantastic efforts.
I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend,
Miss P
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