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C of E Primary School

Welcome to our Spring Term Y6

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Welcome back. A happy new year to you all. Many thanks for all your Christmas wishes and gifts, they are very much appreciated. I hope you have enjoyed your Christmas break and you are ready for an exciting term of learning.

We began our week being introduced to our new book, Wolf Brother, by Michelle Paver. We discussed the front cover and thought carefully about our first impressions. We considered what type of story it could be and who we thought the main characters were. We finally considered the time in history we thought it could be set in and decided it was the Stone Age. We then placed the Stone Age within a timeline of other historical periods and could not quite believe that it would take us back 3 million years.

We considered what Earth looked like back then and how it has changed over time. Tectonic plates and the movement of land masses enabled us to understand how Stone Age people travelled across the planet. We then spent some time trying to piece the continents back together to form Pangaea.

In English this week we have begun to think about descriptive writing. We are learning a modelled piece of writing using story maps and actions and can recite the first 3 paragraphs as a team. We have focused on similes and powerful adjectives. Using a picture stimulus, we put these skills to the test to bring our writing to life. We will continue with this next week.

We have enjoyed reading our own reading books each morning and we have all read to an adult using our read aloud books. Questions have been set and books have been changed if needed.

In Spag this week we have focused on the able suffix and found that words where you can hear the complete word is the rule to follow for this pattern. We are confidently spelling able words and have also added prefixes to change their meaning.

Our BIG ART project has begun this week as we watched a virtual tour of the Lascaux caves in France showing early Stone Age drawings. We have used these cave drawings to sketch our own using charcoal media. We have also used Modroc to create our own cave walls ready to transfer our drawings onto. We will continue with this project next week.

In Music this week all raps were performed and recorded for reviewing. Miss Holland is moving onto a new unit next week which will include the use of instruments.

We lead our school worship today. The fundraisers delivered a short PowerPoint on Australia and the dreadful fires that are destroying homes, land and wildlife. Our school are going to support a small school in Australia who have lost their buildings and all its contents. Our first event is a non-school uniform day and cake sale. This is to take place next Friday.

We welcomed the fire service into Y6 this week where they discussed road safety. Y6 you asked some relevant questions and listened carefully to all their advice.

New homework has been set. All children are asked to complete a Spag.com task, to visit TT Rock Stars as often as possible and to read their read aloud book to an adult regularly.

I hope to see you at our Y6 worship next Friday 17th where we will share a short service with you.

Have a super weekend.

Mrs B

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