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C of E Primary School

Welcome back Y1! 11.06.21

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Year 1, we have had a very sunny and fun first week back after half term. As we arrived on Monday, we were greeted with a small beach and a lighthouse in our classroom. Why I hear you ask? Because our topic this half term is taking us to the seaside! We have had a very fun week so far exploring our new topic. To kick start our topic off we have explored lighthouses, gone back in history to learn about Grace Darling and we have even had some sandcastle competitions in the garden.

In English this week, you watched a video of an angry and grumpy lighthouse keeper. You wrote your own independent story about the video. This then helped me to see what learning we needed to build on in English. As we arrived in the classroom on Monday afternoon, you were greeted with a basket hanging from the ceiling. You were all thinking of ideas of what could be in the basket. As we opened it up we found sandwiches, crisps, some fruit and a drink....it was a packed lunch!! We were also left the book 'The lighthouse keepers lunch' and after reading the book we found a note from Mrs Grinling who asked us to design our own disgusting sandwich so that the seagulls wouldn't eat the lunch. For the rest of the week, using our T4W style you learnt our story of the lighthouse keepers lunch using actions. We then focused on setting and character descriptions in our writing. You wrote some beautiful pieces of writing using adjectives and even similes!

In maths, we started our new topic which is division. We learnt that division is when you share amounts equally. We started the week by making equal groups and then using a STEM sentence to describe the equal groups. To build upon this learning, you learnt how to share amounts equally between different people. First, we did this practically sharing different objects with our friends but as soon as you gained confidence we answered our power maths questions. I am so proud of how hard you have worked this week in maths!

In science this week, we finished our learning of animals by completing a hot task. You had pictures of 5 common animals and you all had to write facts about them. This showed me how much learning you had taken in and if there was anything we needed to go over. I was so proud of all the facts you could recall about these animals and some of you were even telling me what family they belong to! We finished the science lesson off by creating a study work page. You started by water colouring the animals and then once it was dried you wrote some facts about each animal. We will now be moving onto learning about the human body!

Grace Darling was the daughter of a lighthouse keeper. We started our new history topic of Grace darling and the history of Edwardian and Victorian seasides. You started by learning and role playing Grace Darling's life and you were very surprised to hear that the boys and girls in her house were split and were given different jobs. We had the boys fishing with their dad and the girls learning how to sew and cook with their mum. You didn't like this and thought it was unfair! We then built upon this learning and wrote a letter to our friend pretending we were Grace Darling. You told your friend everything that you had done today and we all agreed that Grace Darling had a very busy life. We will build upon this learning next week by looking at why she is a significant person in history.

In art this week, you looked at your new artist David Hockney! We learnt some facts about David and we found out that he was a modern and pop artist. You loved looking at all of the bright colours in his artwork and we described how these colours make us feel. You then moved onto recreating 'the road trip' painting and you used oil pastels to create the bright colours. You learnt how to smooth out the oil pastels and how to draw lines for effect.

In RE this week, you learnt more about the Holy Spirit. After watching the video and replaying our version, we had to decide on the three most important changes that happened to the disciples after they were given the Holy Spirit. You decided that the Holy Spirit encouraged them to teach others about God, it helped them to perform miracles like Jesus once did and it made their hearts full of God's love. We will be building upon this learning next week by thinking about what we might do if we are given the Holy Spirit.

In music this week, we started our new unit – Reflect, Rewind and Replay. We spoke about how we will be looking back on our learning from the past academic year and showcasing all we have learnt! Having listened to 'A Song Before Sunrise' we talked to our partners about how the song made us feel and which instruments we could hear. We discovered this song was written in 1918 (early 20th century). Next we listened to a short song and identified which instruments we could hear. This task was quite tricky! Matching small pieces of music to the correct pulse was next. We matched all of them! We clapped the syllables in our names as well as clapping rhythms to 'Hey, You! To finish our lesson, we sang Round and Round and added some actions. 

You have worked incredibly hard this week and I am so proud of how much effort and hard work you are putting into your learning. You are all superstars!

Have the best weekend and I will see you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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