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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

VE Day Celebrations

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This Friday, the country will be celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day, and Wybunbury Delves would like our children to join the party (the staff will be joining in too).

If you are able to, we are asking the children to host their own tea party on Friday.

To mark this special occasion, I plan to put all the photos/videos of our tea parties together. If you are happy for your photos/videos to be shared on social media, please can you send them to Year5wybunburydelves@gmail.co.uk. This way I can make sure we are only using pictures that parents are happy for us to use. Of course, don't forget to put everything (if you want to) on SeeSaw for your class teachers to see too.

Finally, you may have seen on social media that there are some national activities taking place on Friday too which we can all join in with if we want to.

I can't wait to see you all celebrating in style,

Miss Pennance

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Bridge Street

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