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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 27:05:21

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Wow Reception Class, I cannot believe how quickly this term has gone!
It has been a great term of learning and I think we definitely have very green fingers after all our successful planting this term. I think Monty Don would be very proud of our efforts!

let's share in this week's learning...

In our Literacy and Communication and Language Development we have continued with our talk for writing and introduced adjectives and alliteration to our story writing 'Walking through the jungle.' After a quick retelling of the story with our Makaton actions, we used pictures of the animals in the text and identified the letter sound that they began with. After annotating our pictures with the letter sounds, we then explored different words beginning with the identified sound to describe the animal such as: a crafty, creeping crocodile or a marvellous, mischievous monkey!

This was great fun and an activity we really enjoyed. Once confident, we wrote up small slips of paper with our first word (adjective) and second word choices and added then to our animal's name. This was a great support for our writing, as we could then confidently write up our story again, using adjectives and alliteration. Fabulous job Reception Class, I was so impressed by your writing this week!

In our Mathematical Development we have explored counting forwards and backwards to and from 20, building upon our previous week's focus on moving forwards and backwards on the number line. Once confident in which direction we needed to move, we explored one less and one more than a given number as well as comparing numbers.

In our Personal, Social and Emotional Development we have completed our last session on 'I tell the truth' with Boris in our Heartsmart lesson. We thought about what something that was special about our homes and families and showed this in a drawing which we shared with the class. After listening to each other we could see that we had chosen different items that were important, which helped us to understand that everyone is different, everyone is also important.

Thank you, Boris, for reminding us that 'Being Heartsmart means being able to share and celebrate our differences.
This message was linked to 1 Peter 2:9 'You are chosen by God.'

In our Worship reflections this week we have considered what Jesus meant by being a good neighbour to each other and understood this to being kind and loving to each other in class as well as being kind to others we meet. We know that it is not always easy to get along with everyone, but we should at least try.

We continued this thought in our Wellbeing time and took turns to pull the name of a member of the class, who we do not normally play with, and share with the class their good qualities as a person. This was very affirming for some children to hear kind words spoken about them by others.

In our Understanding the World Development we have continued to nurture and care for all the new seedlings and plants we have grown in the garden this term. I don't think I have ever seen children so excited for radishes to grow! I think we are secretly hoping a little rabbit who wears a blue jacket may be enticed into our garden, if we grow really big ones!

The tomatoes are enjoying their new space in the vegetable bed with their companion marigold plants. We have noticed some very small strawberries beginning to form where there were previously white flowers and we have lost count of how many tiny little apples we can see on the apple tree.

In our Physical Development we looked at ways of dodging the ball. We pretended that we had a swamp to get through, but unfortunately there were ogres at the side of the swamp throwing boulders at us! (Soft balls) We really enjoyed this game! We then practised our throwing and catching and decided we had come a long way in terms of our control over the ball.
Well Done, Reception Class!

In our Expressive Arts and Design Development we completed our music unit on 'funk music' and performed Big Bear Funk. We have loved learning about funk music and have developed our skills of finding the pulse in the music each week.

Have a great half term everyone.
Enjoy the rest and sunshine.
Mrs Ward

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