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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 16:07:21

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Reception class, I cannot believe how quickly our last full week together has flown by.

We have spent much of our week completing our first studybooks to take home to our families. We are immensely proud to show you all a snapshot of some of our learning that has taken place across the year. From the wonderful reaction from families on Friday, we know you were excited to share them too.

This week we have enjoyed spending extra time together with 'movie night' where we snuggled up, opened the popcorn and settled down to watch the great movie that is 'Bugs Life.'

We have also taken part in sports day this week, where we all competed in a series of races. What what most heartwarming was the way we encouraged our friends to try their best and cheered our house teams on. We each received a medal at the end for taking part and trying our best.

In preparation for year 1, Miss Haynes left us a message on Seesaw. She told us lots of facts about herself so we could get to know her better and asked some questions about us in order to get to know us better. In response, we wrote her a letter, showing off our independent writing skills. She was very excited to receive a copy of them. On Friday, we were very lucky to meet Miss Haynes for a socially distanced story on the field. This was great fun, thank you Miss Haynes.

And finally, end of year school reports were sent home on Friday with the children, I hope you have enjoyed, as a family, reading them and celebrating the great achievements the children have made in this difficult school year.

I am looking forward to spending our last two days together as a class family.
See you all Monday
Mrs Ward

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