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C of E Primary School

PE Weekly News

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What a difference a week makes! Where did the lovely sunshine go?
We have had another super busy week in PE.

Years 1 and 2 continued with our net and wall skills unit.
Year 1 used the small sponge balls and our hands to learn some of the skills involved in racket games with a focus on hand to eye coordination.
Year 2 practised some volleyball skills, using the large sponge balls. We learned the basic hand grip and tried hard to 'bump' the ball whilst keeping our arms straight.
Years 3 and 4 carried on with our badminton unit. We recapped our under arm hit from last week and added in a backhand serve. We also had a go at an overhead smash whilst focussing on our accuracy.
We also had our second rounders lesson with Mr Dale and Miss McCurrie.
Years 5 and 6 had our second volleyball lesson this week. We added to last weeks bump and dig shots with the 'spike' and 'set'. The spike is a finger tip push that sets the ball up for the 'set' and is used close to the net. We also practised our accuracy in our shots.
Year 5 had our second lesson of cricket with Miss Welch and year 6 continued our tennis lessons with Mrs Burns.

Fingers crossed that the lovely sun makes an appearance next week!

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend.
Mrs Jenkins

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