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C of E Primary School

PE News 18.6.21

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We've had another busy week in PE! The sun has shone and we have seen some super performances, engagement and hard work across the various year groups
Years 1 and 2 continued our striking & fielding skills unit. We focussed on our throwing and catching skills this week. We used the sponge balls to work on throwing with control and accuracy and giving the ball a big hug when catching to bring it close to our bodies and help us no to drop it. We played throwing and catching races and y2 also had a go at cricket bowling.
Years 4 and 6 worked hard on our cricket skills. We rotated around skills stations where we practised wicket keeping-crouching low and catching balls that were sent to the right and left, bowling-we either practised the straight arm bowl or tried to improve our run ups and accuracy, batting- improving our stance and trying to hit the ball to either side and fielding-we worked on our scoop and throw by running to a rolling ball, scooping it up with one hand and throwing it to the bowler. We finished by playing either diamond cricket or small matches.
Year 5 had a tennis lesson with Miss Holland where they practised racket and ball control.
In Hayley's PE lesson the focus this week was archery. Hayley was particularly impressed with some of the work produced! Fantastic! I wonder which sport will be next?
Well done everyone, another week. It's so lovely to see your hard work paying off!!
Have a super weekend!
Mrs Jenkins

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