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C of E Primary School

Our week at Preschool 02.07.21

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We have had another glorious week in Preschool. As we begin to wind down for the summer holidays we are working to the routine of hard work, fun, hard work, fun, followed by fun, fun and more fun!

In our HeartSmart session this week, we continued to learn that we can do anything we put our minds too. This week we focused on 'keeping trying when learning something new'. We sang the nursery rhyme 'Incy Wincy Spider' then discussed how Incy Wincy didn't give up trying to climb the water sprout. He learned that when it rained the spout was tricky to climb so he waited for it to dry and he tried again. Next time we are met we are learning something new we will remember to keep on trying like Incy Wincy Spider. As we are reminded in the bible, 'Let your patience show itself perfectly in what you do' James 1:4. Thanks Boris for reminding us to 'Keep trying and don't give up'.

In our literacy sessions, we finished our T4W unit and have retold our story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' using our story map and actions to help us. I was super proud of you all – give yourselves a silent cheer! In our writing sessions, our older children have been developing their letter formation and this week we focused on the letters i n p g. Our younger children have enjoyed using pens and chalks to draw pictures of minibeasts. It is wonderful to see how proud you all are of your efforts.

To support our well being and physical development, we have spent most afternoons on the field, swinging, balancing, climbing, running and rolling. To quote the children "We love going on Fort Lewis and rolling down the hill!" We have also enjoyed a picnic snack outside on the field too.

As you know, we have been learning about the life cycle of a butterfly as part of our understanding the world development. This week we have been watching and waiting for our butterflies to emerge.... and today, we were very lucky to witness one of our chrysalis crack open and a butterfly crawl out – wow! We learned that the butterfly is not able to fly straight away, it spreads it wings so they can dry out. This process can take a few hours. once the wings are dried the butterfly can fly.

In our expressive arts and design development, we have used our toilet roll tubes and card from home to create a beautiful butterfly craft. First we painted our butterfly, then added shapes to create wings. Finally. we added eyes and used pipe cleaners to create the antennae.

In our free play, we have been very imaginative, I have enjoyed a cup of tea a slice of coffee cake in the cafe, was treated to a pint of coke and a bag of salt and vinegar crisps in the pub, had my hair washed and I have received wonderful from our Preschool doctors – thank you for looking after me so well :)

Have a great weekend everyone and I look forward to seeing you all for our sports themed week next week.

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