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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week – 28.5.21

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A week with a difference has taken place in Y6 this week. From using the green screen and iMovie App, to baking bread with Roberts Bakery, we have accomplished so much, and you should be so proud of yourselves.

In Maths this week we began our Measure unit. After considering the vocabulary we will come across during our unit, we moved on to the area of shapes. We used post it notes to create the surface area of different shapes using length and width. We quickly realised that A=LxW when working with quadrilaterals. We then moved onto using geoboards to create shapes with a given area. Our boards also supported perimeter measurements where we came across compound shapes. Our final lesson this week was on measuring things found on our playground using different measuring equipment. We used these measurements to then calculate area and perimeter. These measurements were then converted using our conversion knowledge.

In English this week we continued with our Poetry unit. We have had an ongoing challenge in Y6 this week as we have tried to recall the model text off by heart and with all the actions. We have had strict rules to this activity, and we are yet to have a winner. We developed our poems this week and thought about every word earning its place. We added suitable adjectives to our nouns or abstract nouns to create a picture in our minds. For example, The city of silence could become – The forgotten city of silence, or The city of frozen silence. Using the model text, we then created the first two stanzas of our poems. Well done Y6. You have worked so hard, and your pieces have come alive.

Our Book Club lessons this week have focused on a class quiet read. We have ensured all book banded books have been changed too.

In our spelling lesson this week we continued to focus on silent letters. We completed different activities to consolidate our learning and finished off by playing a game called four in a row.

In Science this week we used our knowledge of the circulatory system to create a video to explain the process. Our teams planned and wrote a script to accompany their re-enactment of the process. We included oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, water, nutrients, vitamins and waste products in our play. We used lollipop people to show our double circulation drama. Using either iMovie or video recording we shared our learning. We will evaluate our performance in our next lesson.

Our last tennis lesson was a complete wash out this week as the heavens opened and covered our courts (carpark) in hail. You will see from the photo just how wet we managed to get! Instead, we jumped onboard a rollercoaster, log flume and mountain bike to enjoy the rides. Great fun and a brilliant brain break.

Our final computing lesson took place on Tuesday as you all came into school either dressed in WW2 outfits or own clothes if you were the film crew. Our Y6 cloakroom was turned into a filming studio set up with our green screen. You were all give a 15-minute time slot to record your WW2 Code Cracking iMovie. Both Mrs Whittingham and I were facilitators as you took on the roles needed to produce an informative film on Alan Turing. You thought about jingles, presenting facts, recording, editing and teamwork and what great videos you made. You have even evaluated your work and given your film a star rating. Wow, both Mrs Whittingham and I were so impressed. You all smashed it.

Your second lesson of PE did take place this week with Mrs Jenkins. Please see her separate post for information on this lesson.

Miss Holland taught your Music this week. We focused on singing loudly and in time to the music. We then shared our thoughts on our favourite and least favourite song, and why we chose them. We moved on to brainstorm ideas for our study work page which we will complete next term.

We ended our week with a day of creating. Roberts Bakery joined Y6 for the morning to support bread baking. We first thought about hygiene as we put on our aprons and hair nets. Group photo is definitely one for the album! Using mixing, kneading and plenty of patience, we baked small white loaves of bread. The smell entered every room in school and was a wonderful way to end our week. We began the second session by learning all about the timeline of Roberts Bakery. We then learnt about the process of factory bread making. We were introduced to the different careers you can have in this industry. Robotics is a new adventure Roberts Bakery are on. We also learnt about carbohydrates and the benefits of this part of our diet. We discussed how versatile bread is – we found out just how many ways you can eat bread. We learnt that Roberts Bakery is sustainable. They use recycled paper in their packaging and any waste products go into animal feed. Finally, we found out about just how many careers go into running a Bakery, from mechanics to engineers, from marketing to product designers. They even have their own nurses on site. Over 1000 people work at the factory. An amazing morning ending with a bag of goodies including our homemade bread.

We made the most of the lovely weather on Thursday as we enjoyed eating our lunch outside using our outdoor classroom before beginning the next part of our creating day.

The second part of our creating day was in the form of DT. We used all our skills learnt over the last few weeks to create our 3d poppies. With relaxing music being played in the background, we used resilience and determination to bring our designs alive. Our products are nearly there, and they will take pride of place on the front covers of our studywork books.

To end our last day of this half term, we received our Y6 hoodies. Excitement ran through the classroom as they were all given out.

Goodness, what a week we have had. Lots of hard work, outdoor learning and fantastic experiences have brought this half term to an end. Thank you Y6 for always trying your best and continuing to focus on all my activities. We will continue our partnership in your final half term. No new homework has been set as you deserve a well-earned break. Have a wonderful holiday.

Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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